
Matere, ki same skrbijo za otroka in sistemi pomoči v primerih nasilja v družini
ID Ritlop, Alja (Author), ID Sobočan, Ana Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na raziskovanje mater, ki same skrbijo za otroke, in na to, kakšni so sistemi pomoči v primerih nasilja v družini. V teoretičnem delu sem navedla, kdo so matere, ki same skrbijo za otroke, opredelila nasilje v družini in navedla vse oblike nasilja, ki se pojavljajo. Omenila sem psihično, fizično, spolno in ekonomsko nasilje. V nadaljevanju sem opredelila vzroke za nasilje v družini in kakšne so posledice nasilja v družini za ženske. Nadalje sem predstavila vlogo socialnih delavk in delavcev v primerih nasilja v družini in kakšne so njihove naloge. Podrobneje sem opisala tudi sisteme pomoči, kjer sem opisala krizne centre, varne hiše in svetovalne ter terapevtske storitve. Opredelila sem tudi sostarševstvo po nasilju, kakšne so dinamike in kakšna je vloga bivših partnerjev. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila ugotovitve, do katerih sem prišla z intervjuvanjem sedmih mater, ki same skrbijo za otroke, do česar jih je privedlo preteklo nasilje v družini s strani njihovega partnerja in so ali so bile v zadnjih petih letih uporabnice varne hiše ali katere sorodne organizacije, ki se osredotočajo na ženske, ki so preživele nasilje s strani partnerja. Vprašanja so bila povezana s preteklostjo njihovega partnerstva in kakšne izzive le-to prinaša v današnjem času. Zanimalo me je tudi, kako dolgo so že samostojne matere in kako je izkušnja nasilja vplivala na njihovo vlogo matere. Vprašala sem jih tudi, kakšna je bila njihova izkušnja s sistemi pomoči za matere v njihovi situaciji, na kakšne ovire so naletele pri iskanju pomoči, kako bi ocenile učinkovitost obstoječih sistemov in kakšne spremembe bi si želele. Izvedeti sem želela tudi, kakšno vlogo imajo družinski člani in prijatelji pri okrevanju, kako doživljajo sostarševstvo z bivšim partnerjem, ki je bil nasilen in za konec, kaj jim pomaga pri okrevanju po izkušnji nasilja v družini. Z odgovori sogovornic sem spoznala, da je materinstvo za matere, ki same skrbijo za otroke, velik izziv, še posebej za žrtve nasilja v družini. Nasilje v družini, vključno s psihičnim in včasih tudi fizičnim nasiljem, je pustilo globoke posledice na materah. Kljub tem težavam so se ženske soočale z izzivi po najboljših močeh, pri tem pa so jim pomagali prijatelji, družina in strokovnjaki, čeprav so se pogosto srečevale s pomanjkanjem razumevanja in podpore v institucijah, kot je center za socialno delo. Kljub preteklim težavam si ženske želijo srečne in mirne prihodnosti zase in svoje otroke. Pomembno je, da se obravnava nasilja v družini sistemsko spremeni in prilagodi potrebam žrtev.

Keywords:matere, ki same skrbijo za otroka, nasilje v družini, okrevanje po nasilju, sistemi pomoči, sostarševstvo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160884 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Single mothers and support systems in cases of domestic violence
My thesis focused on researching single mothers and what support systems are in place in cases of domestic violence. In the theoretical part, I have stated who single mothers are, defined domestic violence and listed all the forms of violence that occur. I mentioned psychological, physical, sexual and economic violence. I then went on to identify the causes of domestic violence and its consequences for women. I then went on to outline the role of social workers in cases of domestic violence and what their tasks are. I also described the support systems in more detail, describing crisis centres, safe houses and counselling and therapeutic services. I have also defined co-parenting after violence, what the dynamics are and what the role of ex-partners is. In the empirical part, I presented the findings that I came to by interviewing seven single mothers, who are caring for their children, as a result of past domestic violence perpetrated by their partner, and whether they are or have been in the last five years users of a safe house or a related organisation that focuses on women survivors of domestic violence. The questions were related to the history of their partnership and what challenges it brings in the present time. I was also interested in how long they have been single mothers and how the experience of violence has affected their role as mothers. I also asked them about their experience of support systems for mothers in their situation, what barriers they had encountered in seeking help, how they would rate the effectiveness of existing systems and what changes they would like to see. Additionally, I wanted to find out what role family members and friends play in their recovery, how they experience co-parenting with an ex-partner who has been violent and, finally, what helps them in their recovery after an experience of domestic violence. Through the interviewees' answers, I realised that motherhood is a very challenging experience for mothers who take care of children on their own, especially for victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence, including psychological and sometimes physical violence, has left a deep impact on mothers. Despite these difficulties, the women coped with the challenges as best they could, with the help of friends, family and professionals, although they often faced a lack of understanding and support in institutions such as the social work centre. Despite the difficulties they have faced in the past, the women want a happy and peaceful future for themselves and their children. It is important that the treatment of domestic violence is systemically changed and adapted to the needs of the victims.

Keywords:single mothers, domestic violence, recovery from violence, support systems, co-parenting

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