
Etične dileme strokovnih delavk pri vključevanju romskih otrok v osnovne šole
ID Skočir, Gaja Luna (Author), ID Sobočan, Ana Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem diplomskem delu v teoretskem delu opredelim etiko in etične dileme ter etično ravnanje v kontekstu dela z romskimi družinami. Osredotočim se tudi na etnizacijo romske kulture, na položaj romskih skupnosti v Sloveniji in otrok v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu, pri čemer naredim tudi pregled vključenosti otrok v osnovne šole. Opišem vlogo romskega pomočnika in vlogo socialnega dela pri vključevanju romskih otrok v osnovne šole. V formulaciji problema opišem, zakaj je pomembno biti pozoren na etične vidike strokovnega dela in praks. V šolskem okolju je romskim otrokom pogosto namenjeno manj pozornosti, deležni so manj spodbud, v veliki večini se jih usmerja v šole s prilagojenim programom, socialno delo z romskimi družinami in tudi sicer delo v šolskem okolju, je še vedno prepleteno s predsodki in etnizirano obravnavo družin. Pomembno mi je bilo ustvariti kontekst za zgodbami etičnih dilem, saj je v šolskem okolju še vedno ogromno dejavnikov, ki preprečujejo dobro vključenost otrok. Zato je del problematike etičnih dilem strokovnih delavk pri vključevanju romskih otrok v osnovne šole tudi njihovo strokovno delo z družinami, njihovo razumevanje romskih družin in kako reflektirajo svoje delo. Raziskava je kvalitativna, saj sem uporabila metodo individualnega spraševanja z delno standardizirani intervjujem. Merski instrument so bile smernice za intervju. Opravila sem intervjuje s šestimi strokovnimi delavkami s področja dolenjske regije in Ljubljane, in sicer z romsko pomočnico, učiteljico dodatne strokovne pomoči, šolsko svetovalko, razrednikom na šoli s prilagojenim programom in dvema socialnima delavkama.

Keywords:etika, romska skupnost, vzgojno-izobraževalni proces, socialno delo z Romi, otroci, etično občutljivo socialno delo, etnizacija romske kulture
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Ethical Dilemmas of Social Service Workers with the Inclusion of Roma Children in Primary Schools
In my thesis, I define ethics, ethical dilemmas and ethical behaviour in the context of working with Roma families. I also focus on the ethnicization of Roma culture, the position of the Roma community in Slovenia and children in the educational process. In addition I review the inclusion of children in primary schools. Furthemore, I describe the role of the Roma assistant and the role of social work in integrating Roma children into primary schools. In the formulation of the problem, I portray why it is important to pay attention to the ethical aspects of proffesional work and practises. The school environment often pays less attention to Roma children, they receive fewer incentives and the vast majority of them are directed to schools with an adapted curriculum. Work with Roma families is often intertwined with prejudices and ethnicized treatment. It was important for me to explore many circumstances inside the stories about different ethical dilemmas, because there are still many factors in the school environment that prevent children from being well integrated. Therefore, the ethical dilemmas of social service workers in integrating Roma children into primary schools include their professional work with the families, their understanding of Roma families and how they reflect on their work. The survey is qualitative, as I used the method of individual questioning, with a partially standardized interview, the measuring instrument were the interview guidelines, I conducted 6 interviews with both workers from the dolenjska region and from Ljubljana, namely with a Roma assistant, a teacher of additional professional teaching assistance, a school counsellor, a teacher at a school with and adapted programme and two social workers.

Keywords:ethics, the Roma Community, educational process, social work with Roma, children, ethically sensitive social work, ethnicization of Roma culture

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