
Izkušnje vzgojiteljev v strokovnih centrih z otroki, ki imajo težave z agresivnim vedenjem
ID Beganović, Azra (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Agresivno vedenje otrok in mladostnikov predstavlja velik izziv za vzgojitelje, zlasti v ustanovah, kjer so nameščeni otroci z vedenjskimi in s čustvenimi motnjami. V strokovnih centrih so otroci s tovrstnimi težavami, center jim nudi prostor in podporo za njihov razvoj in izobraževanje. Otroci tu bivajo čez teden, nekateri tudi čez vikend, kar pomeni, da vzgojitelji preživijo veliko časa z njimi in se pogosto srečujejo z agresivnim vedenjem. V času svojega dela v tem centru sem večkrat priča agresivnim izbruhom otrok. To me je spodbudilo, da podrobneje raziskujem, kako se vzgojitelji spoprijemajo s temi situacijami, kakšne izkušnje imajo ter kako ocenjujejo svoje delovne metode in strategije. Pogovori s sodelavci so razkrili številna vprašanja in dileme, ki se pojavljajo pred, med in po agresivnih izbruhih, kar kaže na potrebo po sistematičnem raziskovanju tega področja. Glavni cilj te raziskave je pridobiti poglobljeno razumevanje izkušenj vzgojiteljev v strokovnem centru Frana Milčinskega Smlednik pri delu z agresivnimi mladostniki. Posebej me zanima, kako se vzgojitelji pripravljajo na spopadanje z agresijo, kako jo obvladujejo ter kakšne posledice ima to za njihovo delo in počutje. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov želim predlagati izboljšave v pristopih in podpornih mehanizmih za vzgojitelje. Raziskava bo prispevala k boljšemu razumevanju izzivov, s katerimi se spopadajo vzgojitelji v ustanovah za otroke z vedenjskimi in s čustvenimi motnjami. Pridobljeni rezultati bodo koristni za razvoj boljših strategij za obvladovanje agresivnega vedenja, izboljšanje delovnih pogojev vzgojiteljev in zagotavljanje boljše podpore za otroke, ki imajo težave z agresijo. Poleg tega bodo ugotovitve pripomogle k oblikovanju usposabljanj in izobraževalnih programov za vzgojitelje ter k boljši koordinaciji dela v takšnih ustanovah.

Keywords:agresivno vedenje, vzgojitelj, nasilje, strokovni center, obvladovanje agresivnega vedenja, vedenjske in čustvene motnje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160881 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Experiences of educators in specialized centers with children who have issues with aggressive behavior
The aggressive behavior of children and adolescents presents a significant challenge for educators, particularly in institutions housing children with behavioral and emotional disorders. These professional centers cater to children facing such challenges, providing them with space and support for their development and education. Children reside in these centers during the week, with some staying over the weekend, resulting in educators spending a considerable amount of time with them and frequently encountering aggressive behavior. During my time working in this center, I have witnessed several instances of aggressive outbursts from children. This prompted me to delve deeper into how educators confront these situations, what experiences they undergo, and how they assess their working methods and strategies. Conversations with colleagues have unveiled numerous questions and dilemmas arising before, during, and after aggressive incidents, indicating the necessity for a systematic exploration of this field. The primary objective of this research is to gain a profound understanding of the experiences of educators at the Fran Miličinski Smlednik Professional Center when dealing with aggressive adolescents. I am particularly interested in how educators prepare for and manage aggression and the resulting implications for their work and well-being. Based on the acquired data, I aim to propose enhancements in approaches and supportive mechanisms for educators. This research will contribute to a better comprehension of the challenges faced by educators in institutions catering to children with behavioral and emotional disorders. The findings obtained will be beneficial for developing improved strategies for handling aggressive behavior, enhancing working conditions for educators, and providing better support for children struggling with aggression. Additionally, the insights will help in shaping training and educational programs for educators and improving work coordination within such institutions.

Keywords:aggressive behavior, educator, violence, professional center, managing aggressive behavior, behavioral and emotional disorders

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