
Otrokova pravica do zasebnosti v digitalni dobi : diplomsko delo
ID Pangos, Pia (Author), ID Globokar, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V času, v katerem živimo, so družabna omrežja del našega vsakdana. Otroci postanejo del digitalnega sveta, še preden se sami dobro zavedajo svojega obstoja. Svetu družabnih omrežij in na spletu jih običajno izpostavijo kar njihovi starši, ko ponosno delijo informacije, fotografije in posnetke iz njihovega vsakdana. To, kar se jim danes zdi ljubko, zabavno in prisrčno, pa lahko ima pomembne posledice v nadaljnjem življenju njihovih otrok. Avtorica v diplomskem delu raziskuje, kako dobro, in če sploh, so starši ozaveščeni o pasteh in morebitnih negativnih posledicah, ki jih ima lahko pretirano izpostavljanje njihovega otroka na družabnih omrežjih. S pregledom zakonodaje ugotavlja, da slovenska zakonodaja pravici do otrokove zasebnosti na spletu ne namenja posebne pozornosti. Pri raziskovanju tematik avtorica opravi tri intervjuje s strokovnjaki s področja varovanja človekovih pravic, varne rabe interneta in psihoterapije. Vsi trije intervjuvanci se strinjajo, da bi bilo treba na tem področju narediti več. Sogovorniki poudarijo, da bi morali, ko je govora o tem, ali imajo starši pravico deliti tako občutljive informacije o otroku s širnim svetom, imeti pred očmi le eno, in sicer, kaj je dobro za otroka in ne le, kaj je njihova starševska pravica. Pritrjujejo, da bodo prave posledice izpostavljanja otrok na družabnih omrežjih opazne šele pozneje, ko se bo otrok znašel v najstniških letih ali pa ko bo na spletu o sebi odkril vsebine, za katere si ne bi želel, da jih starši delijo s širnim svetom. Poleg medvrstniškega nasilja in zasmehovanja pa strokovnjaki, s katerimi govori avtorica, izpostavijo, da dajejo starši tem otrokom zelo slabo popotnico za življenje. Skrbi jih predvsem, kakšen odnos bodo ti otroci v prihodnosti imeli do zaščite svoje zasebnosti.

Keywords:sharenting, starševsko deljenje na spletu, zasebnost na spletu, pravica otrok do zasebnosti na spletu, zasebnost v digitalni dobi, zaščita otrokovih pravic na spletu, družabna omrežja in otroci, družabna omrežja in starši, digitalni odtis
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Pangos]
Number of pages:V, 46, XII str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160870 This link opens in a new window
UDC:342.721-053.2: 077(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:208859139 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Children's right to privacy in the digital age
The thesis Children's Right to privacy in the Digital Age focuses on the time we live in, with social media becoming an integral part of our everyday lives. Children become part of the digital world even before they are fully aware of their own existence. They are often exposed to social media and the internet by their parents, who proudly share information, photographs, and videos from their daily lives. What may seem cute, fun, and endearing today can have significant consequences for the child's future. The author of this thesis investigates how well parents are informed, if at all, about the potential pitfalls and negative consequences that such excessive exposure can have on their child. A review of the legislation reveals that Slovenian law does not pay special attention to the privacy rights of children online. In exploring these topics, the author conducts three interviews with experts in the fields of human rights protection, safe internet use, and psychotherapy. All three interviewees agree that more needs to be done in this area. The interviewees emphasise that, when discussing whether parents have the right to share such sensitive information about their child with the world, the primary consideration should be what is best for the child, not the parents' perceived rights. They confirm that the true consequences of exposing children on social media will only become apparent later, during adolescence, or when the child discovers something online about themselves that they would not have wanted their parents to share publicly. In addition to peer bullying and ridicule, the experts interviewed by the author highlight that parents are providing these children with a poor foundation for life. They are particularly concerned about the attitude these children will have towards protecting their own privacy in the future.

Keywords:sharenting, parental sharing online, online privacy, children's right to online privacy, privacy in the digital age, protection of children's rights online, social media and children, social media and parents, digital footprint

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