
Eksperimentalna analiza plinsko-fokusiranih kapljevitih ploskev
ID Velnar, Vid (Author), ID Šarler, Božidar (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zaključni nalogi smo izvedli eksperimentalno analizo plinsko-fokusiranih kapljevitih ploskev. Preučili smo vpliv spreminjanja pretoka plina, kapljevine in kota dovoda plina okoli curka kapljevine na dolžino in širino kapljevite ploskve. Uporabili smo šobe s koti 30°, 45° in 60°, katerih premer kapilar je bil za dovod plina in kapljevine 0,3 mm ter dve kapljevini: vodo in izopropanol. Kapljevite ploskve smo posneli s CMOS kamero. Posnetke smo analizirali s pomočjo v nalogi razvitega računalniškega programa in rezultate prikazali grafično. Karakteristike tokovnih režimov smo opazovali v območju Reynoldsovih števil kapljevine od 92 do 2101 in Reynoldsovih števil plina od 152 do 1427. Rezultati so pokazali, da se dolžina in širina kapljevitih ploskev večata z večanjem pretoka plina. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se ob večanju pretoka kapljevine dolžina kapljevitih ploskev veča, širina pa manjša. Širine obravnavanih kapljevitih ploskev so segale od 354 µm do 664 µm, njihove dolžine pa od 733 µm do 4999 µm. Ugotovili smo, da pri uporabi izopropanola ob enakih pretokih plina in kapljevine nastanejo širše in daljše kapljevite ploskve v primerjavi z vodo. Šobe z različnimi koti smo med seboj primerjali na podlagi razmerja gibalnih količin toka plina in kapljevine in ugotovili, da se širine in dolžine najbolj spreminjajo pri vrednostih razmerja gibalnih količin med 0 in 50. Pokazali smo tudi, da nastanejo pri enakih vrednostih razmerja gibalnih količin pri šobah z manjšim kotom med plinskima in kapljevito kapilaro širše in daljše kapljevite ploskve kot pri šobah z večjim kotom.

Keywords:kapljevita ploskev, plinsko-fokusiranje, mikro-curek, eksperiment, dimenzije ploskve
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160862 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Title:Experimental analysis of gas-focused liquid sheets
In this Bachelor thesis, we conducted an experimental analysis of gas-focused liquid sheets. We examined the effects of varying gas flow rates, liquid flow rates, and the angle of gas injection around the liquid jet on the length and width of the liquid sheets. We used nozzles with angles of 30°, 45°, and 60°, with a capillary diameter of 0.3 mm for both the gas and liquid inlets, and used two liquids: water and isopropanol. The liquid sheets were recorded using a CMOS camera, and the footage was analyzed using a computer program developed in this thesis. The results were presented graphically. The characteristics of the flow regimes were observed within the range of liquid Reynolds numbers from 92 to 2101 and gas Reynolds numbers from 152 to 1427. The results showed that the length and width of the liquid sheets increased with gas flow rates. We also found that with the increase in the liquid flow rate, the length of the liquid sheets increased while the width decreased. The widths of the observed liquid sheets ranged from 354 μm to 664 μm, and their lengths from 733 μm to 4999 μm. It was determined that when using isopropanol under the same gas and liquid flow rates, wider and longer liquid sheets were formed compared to water. The nozzles with different angles were compared based on the momentum flux ratio between the gas and liquid streams, and it was found that the width and length of the liquid sheets varied most significantly at momentum flux ratios between 0 and 50. Additionally, we demonstrated that at the same momentum flux ratios, the nozzles with a smaller angle between the gas and liquid capillaries produced wider and longer liquid sheets than nozzles with a larger angle.

Keywords:liquid sheet, gas-focusing, micro-jet, experiment, sheet dimensions

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