
Razvoj 3D modelov modularne proizvodnje in analiza materialnega toka
ID Furlan, Jan (Author), ID Šimic, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Herakovič, Niko (Comentor)

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V okviru diplomske naloge smo obravnavali avtomatizirano modularno proizvodnjo sestavljeno iz različnih proizvodnih modulov, ki zagotavljajo strego, montažo, skladiščenje in preverjanje kakovosti procesov in izdelkov. Sodobni procesi in sistemi vključeni v koncept pametne tovarne, poleg fizičnih proizvodnih modulov, zahtevajo digitalne modele teh modulov, ki jih lahko vključimo v digitalne dvojčke z namenom prikaza in obravnave proizvodnih linij in procesov v virtualnem okolju. V nalogi smo zato izdelali 3D modele proizvodnih modulov, njihovih podsistemov, sestavnih delov in ostalih potrebnih elementov. Za vsak proizvodni modul smo določili karakteristike in njihovo funkcionalnost vključno s kinematiko gibajočih podsistemov. Zasnovali smo več tipov proizvodnih linij kot so linijska proizvodnja, celična U postavitev, kvadratna in L postavitev proizvodnje. Pri tem smo podrobneje obravnavali njihovo povezljivost in analizirali materialni tok, to je strega palete. Izvedli smo potrebne dodelave ali spremembe na modulih, da je možen učinkovit in avtomatiziran prenos materiala iz modula na modul. Nove elemente smo izdelali, jih implementirali na realne proizvodne module in njihove digitalne replike.

Keywords:modularna proizvodnja, 3D modeliranje, koncipiranje proizvodnih linij, povezljivost, materialni tok
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160856 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Title:3D models development of modular production and material flow analysis
In this thesis, we examined automated modular production, composed of various production modules that handle tasks such as material handling, assembly, storage, and quality control of processes and products. Modern processes and systems, as part of the smart factory concept, require not only physical production modules but also digital models, virtual replicas, of these modules. These digital models can be integrated into digital twins to visualize and analyse production lines and processes in a virtual environment. Therefore, in this diploma thesis, we created 3D models of production modules, their subsystems, components, and other necessary elements. For each production module, we defined characteristics and functionalities, including the kinematics of moving subsystems. We designed several types of production lines, such as linear production, U-shaped production, square, and L-shaped production. We focused on their connectivity and analysed the material flow, specifically pallet handling. We made necessary adjustments or modifications to the modules to enable efficient and automated transfer of material from one module to another. The new elements were created, implemented on actual production modules, and replicated in their digital versions.

Keywords:modular production, 3D modelling, production line design, connectivity, material flow

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