
Vojaki in kriminalna dejavnost-vzroki in posledice (vojski ZDA in Slovenije) : diplomsko delo
ID Lipec, Petra (Author), ID Garb, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pogoj za vstop v vojsko je tudi preteklost kandidata, predvsem njegova nekaznovanost. Gre za pogoj, ki je običajno prisoten pri zaposlovanju javnih uslužbencev, še toliko pomembnejši pa je v poklicih, kot je vojska ali policija. Ta pogoj je bil skozi čas bolj oz. manj strogo upoštevan, predvsem odvisno od števila potrebnih in prijavljenih kandidatov za vojsko, vedno pa obstajajo dejanja, ki so neoprostljiva. Kandidati morajo za vsa kriminalna dejanja dobiti tako imenovane odpustke, kljub nasprotnemu splošnemu mnenju pa nobeno kriminalno dejanje ni zapečateno. Pomembnost preteklosti kandidatov in pozneje vojakov, sploh tistih, ki so odpustke dobili za dejanja, ki so jih izvedli že kot odrasle osebe, je izjemnega pomena, saj obstaja veliko večja verjetnost, da bo že pred vpoklicem aretiran kandidat za zaposlitev povzročal dejanja, ki bodo razlog odpustka. Samo kriminalno dejanje ni zadostna informacija, na podlagi katere bi lahko oblikovali zaključke o nadaljnjih dejanjih, ampak je to veliko drugih dejavnikov, kot so: izobrazba, socialne okoliščine, iz katerih vojak prihaja ali v katere nekdanji vojak odhaja, stanje, v katerem je družba, na podlagi katere lahko bolje razumemo izpostavljen pomen merila nekaznovanosti.

Keywords:ameriška vojska, slovenska vojska, kriminalna preteklost, odpustki, kriminalna dejanja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Lipec
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (73 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160847 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207482883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Soldiers and criminal activity – causes and consequences (US and Slovenian armies)
One of the army entry conditions is candidate's background, particularly their lack of criminal convictions. It is a condition that is usually present in the public administration recruitment but is even more important in professions such as the army or the police. This condition has been followed more or less strictly over time, mainly depending on the number of required and registered candidates for the army, but there are always actions that are inexcusable. Candidates must obtain so-called moral (conduct or felony) waivers for all criminal acts. Despite the contrary general opinion, no criminal act is sealed. The importance of the past of candidates and later soldiers, especially those who received moral waiver for acts committed as adults, is of utmost importance, as there is a much greater likelihood that a candidate who has been arrested before conscription will commit acts that will lead to a pardon. A single criminal act is not sufficient information on which to base conclusions about further actions, many other factors, such as education, the social circumstances from which the soldier comes or to which the former soldier returns, and the state of the society, allow for a better understanding of the significance of the importance of the criterion – having no criminal record.

Keywords:U. S. military, Slovenian military, criminal history, waivers, criminal acts

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