
Kriteriji selekcije na nacionalni in komercialni televiziji: primer mednarodnih agencijskih novic : diplomsko delo
ID Salobir, Živa (Author), ID Jontes, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tiskovne agencije so eden glavnih virov novinarskega poročanja, predvsem o dogodkih zunaj naših meja. Zaradi splošnega krčenja finančnih sredstev medijskih hiš se opuščajo dražji načini poročanja iz tujine, kot so dopisništva, zato so mediji vse bolj odvisni od agencijskih novic. V diplomskem delu izhajam iz predpostavke, da se nacionalna televizija pri poročanju v večji meri zanaša na informacije tujih dopisnikov, medtem ko ima komercialna televizija manj tujih dopisništev in se v večji meri opira na agencijske vire in informacije. V empiričen delu preučujem štiri časovna obdobja med leti 1996 in 2024. V tedenskih segmentih preučujem medijsko poročanje osrednjih informativnih oddaj 24ur in Dnevnik. Diplomsko delo preučuje razvoj poročanja o tujih novicah v omenjenem obdobju in razlike, ki se pojavljajo v virih in kriterijih selekcije mednarodnih novinarskih prispevkov. Ključen postopek pri pripravi novic v dnevnoinformativni medijski produkciji je selekcija. Mednarodne novice so geografsko in tipološko selekcionirane glede na interese in perspektivo globalne kapitalske elite. Namen dela je raziskati lastnosti, na podlagi katerih se mediji odločajo o vključitvi dogodkov iz tujine. S pomočjo kriterijev selekcije naloga odgovarja na vprašanje, kakšen je domet domačega medijskega poročanja o novicah iz drugih držav sveta.

Keywords:tiskovne agencije, kriteriji selekcije, dopisništva, medijsko poročanje, viri novinarskega poročanja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Ž. Salobir
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (51 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160842 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207579907 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Selection criteria on national and commercial television: the case of international news agency
Press agencies are one of the main sources of journalistic reporting, especially on events outside our borders. Due to the general reduction of financial resources in media houses, more expensive methods of foreign reporting, such as correspondents, are being abandoned. As a result, the media are increasingly dependent on agency news. This thesis is based on the assumption that national television relies more on information from foreign correspondents, while commercial television has fewer foreign correspondents and relies more on agency sources and information. The empirical part examines four time periods between 1996 and 2024. In weekly segments, I study the media reporting of the main news programs "24ur" and "Dnevnik". The thesis examines the development of reporting on foreign news during the mentioned period and the differences that arise in the sources and criteria for selecting international journalistic contributions. A key process in the preparation of news in daily informational media production is selection. International news is geographically and typologically selected according to the interests and perspective of the global capital elite. The purpose of this work is to investigate the characteristics on which the media base their decisions to include events from abroad. Using selection criteria, the task answers the question of the scope of domestic media reporting on news from other countries of the world.

Keywords:press agencies, selection criteria, correspondents, media reporting, sources of journalistic reporting

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