
Zaposlitvene možnosti oseb z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju : magistrsko delo
ID Havlas, Vojka (Author), ID Žgur, Erna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mladostniki z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju (MDR) so v procesu izbire poklica v deprivilegiranem položaju. Izbira ustreznih dvoletnih programov je omejena, za triletni program se kasneje odločajo le najuspešnejši. S pomožnim poklicem na večinskem trgu dela ostajajo nezaposleni. Zakon o zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji in zaposlovanju invalidov iz leta 2004 zanje sicer predvideva tudi nove oblike zaposlovanja, ki bi naj zmanjšale nezaposljivost pri omenjeni populaciji: podporno zaposlitev, zaščitno zaposlitev in invalidska podjetja. A te oblike od iskalca zaposlitve zahtevajo pridobitev statusa invalida, ki zanje lahko pomeni neželeno etiketo in stigmatizacijo. Prav tako opažamo pomanjkanje podpornih služb, ki bi mladim bile v pomoč v procesu tranzicije. Glavni cilj našega magistrskega dela je raziskati pot do zaposlitve pri mladih z lažjo MDR – poklicno orientacijo na izbrani OŠPP z dejavnostmi, ki devetošolce v prilagojenem programu z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom informirajo o možnostih nadaljnjega izobraževanja in zaposlovanja, stališče njihovih staršev o možnostih vstopa na trg dela, pa tudi naklonjenost do pridobivanja statusa invalida in obstoj podpornih služb v procesu tranzicije. Izvedena je bila kvalitativna in kvantitativna raziskava. Ugotovili smo, da so v poklicno orientacijo na izbrani osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom vključeni tako učenci kot njihovi starši. Veliko informacij o možnostih nadaljnjega izobraževanja v dvoletnih nižjih poklicnih programih (manj pa o triletnih poklicnih programih) pridobijo s strani svetovalne delavke in ob ogledih šol. Izbrane poklice imajo učenci možnost izkustveno spoznavati v sklopu poskusne prakse. Večina učencev si želi več informacij o konkretnih poklicih, za katere se bodo izobraževali, kar polovica pa tudi več pogovora za ugotavljanje, v čem so dobri. Po mnenju večine staršev so možnosti za zaposlovanje mladih z lažjo MDR pri nas dobre, prepričani pa so, da bi njihovi otroci pri iskanju zaposlitve in pri začetnem uvajanju na delovnem mestu potrebovali pomoč in podporo. Za lažjo vključitev v zaposlitveno okolje bi status invalida otrokom predlagala polovica staršev. V intervjuju z zaposleno na lokalni izpostavi Zavoda RS za zaposlovanje smo izvedeli, da zavod ne vodi evidence za osebe s posebnimi potrebami, opažajo pa, da ta skupina mladih ni dovolj opremljena z znanji in veščinami, kako iskati zaposlitev.

Keywords:lažja motnja v duševnem razvoju, prilagojen program z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom, poklicna orientacija, status invalida, prehod na trg dela
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:V. Havlas
Number of pages:72 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160841-e85f3578-01e3-8622-587a-9d7ca23e5352 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206598147 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Employment prospects for people with mild mental disabilities
Adolescents with a mild intellectual disability (ID) are in a disadvantaged position in the process of choosing a profession. The choice of suitable two-year programs is limited, only the most successful ones later decide on a three-year program. With an auxiliary profession, the majority of the labor market remains unemployed. The Act on Employment Rehabilitation and Employment of the Disabled from 2004 also foresees new forms of employment for them, which should reduce unemployment for a significant population: supportive employment, protective employment and disability companies. But these forms require the job seeker to obtain the status of a disabled person, which for them means an unwanted label and stigmatization. We also notice a lack of support services that would help young people in the transition process. The main goal of our master's work is to investigate the path to employment for young people with an mild ID – vocational orientation at the selected school with activities that inform ninth graders in an adapted program with a lower educational standard about the possibilities of further education and employment, the point of view of their parents about the possibilities of entering the market work, as well as the willingness to acquire the status of a disabled person and the existence of support services in the transition process. Qualitative and quantitative research was conducted. We found that both students and their parents are involved in career orientation at the selected school. A lot of information about further education options in two-year lower vocational programs (but less about three-year vocational programs) is obtained from the school counselor and school visits. Students have the opportunity to get to know the chosen professions experientially as part of a trial practice. Most students want more information about the specific professions for which they will be trained, and as many as half also want more conversation to find out what they are good at. According to the majority of parents, the possibilities for employment of young people with mild ID are good in our country, but they are sure that their children would need help and support in finding a job and in the initial introduction to the workplace. In order to facilitate integration into the employment environment, half of the parents would suggest the disabled status to their children. In an interview with an employee at the local branch of the Employment Agency, we learned that the agency does not keep records for people with special needs, but they note that this group of young people is not sufficiently equipped with the knowledge and skills to find employment.

Keywords:mild intellectual disability, adapted program with a lower educational standard, career orientation, disabled status, transition to the labor market

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