
Promocija Centra Noordung v Turistični destinaciji Rogla-Pohorje
ID Hrovat, Nik (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glavni namen raziskave in zasnove je razvoj strategije za povečanje obiska Centra vesoljskih tehnologij Hermana Potočnika Noordunga, ki vsako leto privabi znaten, ampak v primerjavi s celotno Turistično destinacijo Rogla-Pohorje relativno majhen delež obiskovalcev. Da bi privabili več obiskovalcev, sploh tistih, ki že obiskujejo destinacijo, je ena izmed ključnih stvari dodatna krepitev sodelovanja z lokalnimi organizacijami. Delo vključuje načrtovanje in izvedbo mikro muzeja, ki obiskovalcem na inovativen način predstavi znanje in izkušnje, ki jih Center Noordung ponuja. Postopek vključuje vse od grafičnega oblikovanja, izvedbe projekta kot tudi finančno poročilo realizacije. Mikro muzej omogoča interaktivno izkušnjo, ki potencialno poveča zanimanje in obiskanost. Raziskave kažejo, da so inovativni pristopi promocije, kot je mikro muzej, učinkovita metoda, ki vabi obiskovalce ter hkrati izobražuje širšo javnost, v tem primeru o vesoljski temi. Predlagan je načrt nadaljnjega razvoja in uporabe mikro muzeja kot del trajnostnega promocijskega orodja v turizmu, ki lahko služi kot model za podobne iniciative v drugih kontekstih. Pristop ne le krepi lokalno gospodarstvo, ampak tudi širi zavedanje o pomembnosti znanstvene in kulturne dediščine.

Keywords:mikro muzej, Center Noordung, promocija turizma, vesoljske tehnologije, sodelovanje z lokalnimi organizacijami, interaktivne izobraževalne metode
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160828-1189822d-bbb4-5195-786e-d6ceed1e7f75 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Title:Promoting the Noordung Center within the Rogla-Pohorje tourist destination
The main purpose of the research and design is to develop a strategy to increase the number of visitors to the Herman Potočnik Noordung Space Technology Centre, which attracts a significant but relatively small proportion of visitors each year compared to the Rogla-Pohorje Tourist Destination as a whole. In order to attract more visitors, especially those who already visit the destination, one of the keys is to further strengthen cooperation with local organisations. The work includes the planning and implementation of a micro museum, which presents the knowledge and experience that Noordung Centre offers to visitors in an innovative way. The process includes everything from the graphic design, the implementation of the project as well as the financial feasibility of the realisation. The micro museum provides an interactive experience that potentially increases interest and attendance. Research shows that innovative approaches to promoting the micro museum are a unique method of attracting visitors while educating the general public, in this case on the subject of space. A plan is proposed for the further development and use of the micro museum as part of a sustainable tourism promotional tool that can serve as a model for similar initiatives in other contexts. The approach not only strengthens the logical economy but also spreads awareness of the importance of scientific and cultural heritage.

Keywords:micro museums, Center Noordung, tourism promotion, space technology, cooperation with local organisations, interactive educational methods

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