
Krožnost materialnih in energijskih tokov v zaključku življenjskega cikla
ID Mežnar, Maj (Author), ID Mori, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kljub vsem napredku v tehnologiji za pridobivanje, proizvodnjo in preoblikovanje surovin se soočamo s konstantnim pomankanjem le teh. Zaradi tega se razvijajo različne metodologije in tehnološki postopki, pri čemer je cilj, da so okolju prijazni in pri tem tudi ekonomsko upravičeni. Ena izmed možnih rešitev je enačba krožnega okoljskega odtisa. V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na podrobno preučitev in uporabo enačbe krožnega okoljskega odtisa, ter jo predstavili na primeru okenskega okvirja. Pri tem smo implementirali enačbo okoljskega odtisa v izračun posameznega sestavnega materiala vzorčnega izdelka – okenskega okvirja. Dobljene rezultate smo v prvi fazi analizirali in med sabo primerjali. V nadaljevanju pa smo izračune združili in naredili analizo in dobljenega rezultata ogljičnega odtisa izdelka. Na osnovi ugotovitev smo komentirali pomanjkljivosti ter uporabnost same enačbe.

Keywords:krožno gospodarstvo, življenjski cikel izdelka, zaključek življenjskega cikla, enačba krožnega okoljskega odtisa, ogljični odtis, okoljski vplivi
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Number of pages:XI, 35 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160820-8d798279-0a22-8fde-3d82-3b89c6170450 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:215864323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Circularity of material and energy flows at the end of the life cycle
Despite all the technical advances in the extraction, production, and processing of raw materials, we are confronted with a constant shortage of raw materials. For this reason, various methods and technological processes are being developed to be environmentally friendly and economically viable. One possible solution is the circular footprint formula. In the diploma thesis, we focussed on a detailed investigation and application of the circular footprint formula and presented it by using the example of a window frame. In doing so we implemented the circular footprint formula in the calculation of each material component of the sample product – the window frame. In the first phase, the results obtained were analysed and compared with each other. In following phase, we combined the calculations and analysis of the resulting result for the product's resulting carbon footprint. Based on the findings, we commented on the shortcomings and applicability of the equation itself.

Keywords:circular economy, product life cycle, end of life phase, carbon footprint formula, carbon footprint, environmental impacts

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