
Določanje hlapnih organskih spojin v laboratorijih in pisarnah
ID Kranjc, Rok (Author), ID Kralj Cigić, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kraševec, Ida (Comentor)

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MD5: 5ADA929A6A3336B694C09E177CAB5B7C

Hlapne organske spojine (HOS) so lahko naravnega ali antropogenega izvora in lahko vplivajo na zdravje ljudi, kakovost zraka in na materiale ter na predmete, ki se nahajajo v prostorih s povišano koncentracijo HOS. V svoji diplomski nalogi sem v izbranih prostorih fakultete meril celokupne koncentracije HOS s senzorjem in s pomočjo pasivnih vzorčevalnikov ter ionske kromatografije določil koncentracije ocetne kisline, mravljične kisline in NO$_2$ v zraku. Pri merjenju celokupnih HOS v zraku sem uporabljal senzor VOC-TRAQ II. To je senzor s fotoionizacijskim detektorjem (PID), ki uporablja UV svetlobo za ionizacijo plinskih molekul z nizko ionizacijsko energijo. Ionizirane molekule ustvarijo električni tok, sorazmeren s koncentracijo plina. PID so neselektivni in se uporabljajo za merjenje celokupnih hlapnih organskih spojin (TVOC), ne zaznavajo pa glavnih sestavin zraka. Za določanje koncentracije ocetne kisline, mravljične kisline in NO$_2$ sem zrak vzorčil s pasivnimi vzorčevalniki SKC UMEx 200. Vzorčevalnike sestavlja ohišje iz polipropilena, ki pokriva dva reaktivna traka, obdelana s trietanolaminom (TEA), dimenzij 2 cm x 2 cm. TEA zelo učinkovito zadržuje preučevane kisle analite. Izvedel sem ekstrakcijo iz lističev in z ionsko kromatografijo določil acetatne, formatne in nitritne ione. Dobljene rezultate sem preračunal v koncentracije analitov v zraku, nato pa med seboj primerjal rezultate, pridobljene z obema metodama. Rezultati meritev so pokazali, da so koncentracije hlapnih organskih spojin v večini prostorov relativno nizke, kar kaže na ustrezno prezračevanje in pravilno ravnanje s kemikalijami. Najvišje koncentracije so bile izmerjene v laboratoriju z visoko aktivnostjo in v prostorih s knjigami. Primerjava obeh metod je razkrila, da hlapne organske kisline predstavljajo pomemben, vendar ne prevladujoč delež celokupnih hlapnih organskih spojin v preiskovanih prostorih.

Keywords:hlapne organske spojine, pasivni vzorčevalniki, detektor celokupnih hlapnih organskih spojin, ionska kromatografija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160816-d3386adb-24ae-a877-01b2-f78e039c3012 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211082243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Determination of total volatile organic compunds in laboratories and offices
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can be of natural or anthropogenic origin and can affect human health, air quality, and materials and objects located in spaces with elevated VOC concentrations. In my thesis, I measured total VOC concentrations in selected faculty spaces using a sensor, and determined the concentrations of acetic acid, formic acid, and NO$_2$ in the air using passive samplers and ion chromatography. For measuring total VOCs in the air, I used the VOC-TRAQ II sensor. This is a sensor with a photoionization detector (PID) that uses UV light to ionize gas molecules with low ionization energy. The ionized molecules create an electric current proportional to the gas concentration. PIDs are non-selective and are used to measure total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), but do not detect the main components of air. To determine the concentration of acetic acid, formic acid, and NO$_2$, I sampled the air using SKC UMEx 200 passive samplers. The samplers consist of a polypropylene housing covering two reactive strips treated with triethanolamine (TEA), measuring 2 cm x 2 cm. TEA very effectively retains the acidic analytes under study. I performed extraction from the strips and determined acetate, formate, and nitrite ions using ion chromatography. I calculated the results into concentrations of analytes in the air, then compared the results obtained by both methods. The measurement results showed that the concentrations of volatile organic compounds in most rooms are relatively low, indicating adequate ventilation and proper handling of chemicals. The highest concentrations were measured in the laboratory with high activity and in the rooms with books. The comparison of both methods revealed that volatile organic acids represent a significant, but not dominant, portion of the total volatile organic compounds in the investigated spaces.

Keywords:volatile organic compounds, passive samplers, total volatile organic compound detectors, ion chromatography

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