
Primerjava analitskih metod za ovrednotenje vsebnosti ogljika v kompleksnih okoljskih vzorcih
ID Kastelic, Anja (Author), ID Zupančič, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: AB6782C81556E6D9A5A6AF0275F8CE07

V okoljskih znanostih je določanje vsebnosti ogljika eden izmed ključnih parametrov analize vzorca. Pogosto ni pomembno le poznavanje skupne vsebnost ogljika v vzorcu, temveč tudi ločena vsebnost organskega in anorganskega ogljika. V svoji diplomski nalogi sem proučevala primerljivost različnih poznanih metod za določanje celotnega ogljika, celotnega organskega ogljika in anorganskega ogljika v vzorcih biooglja ter izbranih kompleksnih okoljskih vzorcih kot so tla, jalovina, cestni prah, hibni prah in podstrebni prah. Primerjala sem rezultate, ki sem jih dobila s termogravimetrično (TG) analizo, analizo celotnega organskega ogljika (TOC) in CHN analizo. Rezultati so pokazali, da je TG analiza sicer zelo občutljiva in primerna analiza za oceno vsebnosti organske snovi v vzorcih biooglja, precej manj pa v okoljskih vzorcih močno onesnaženih s potencialno strupenimi elementi. Še manj se je TG analiza pri močno onesnaženih okoljskih vzorcih izkazala kot ustrezna metoda za oceno vsebnosti anorganske oblike ogljika (IC). TOC analiza je od vseh treh uporabljenih metod najmanj občutljiva, kar onemogoča določitev nizkih vsebnosti IC v naših vzorcih. Primerjava rezultatov CHN analize in TOC analize je pokazala visoko skladnost med rezultati vsebnosti TC v preiskovanih vzorcih, razen pri zelo onesnaženih vzorcih.

Keywords:cestni prah, hibni prah, ogljik, TG analiza, TOC
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160771-c1d37587-7470-8006-ca42-ac615cf7b383 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211012867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Title:Comparison of analytical methods for the assessment of carbon content in complex environmental samples
The determination of carbon content is one of the most important parameters of sample analysis in environmental sciences. Often it is not only important to know the total carbon content of the sample, but also the content of organic and inorganic carbon. In my thesis I investigated the comparability of different known methods for the determining of total carbon, total organic carbon and inorganic carbon in biochar samples and selected complex environmental samples such as soil, tailings, road dust, house dust and attic dust. I compared the results obtained by thermogravimetric (TG) analysis, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analysis and CHN analysis. The results showed that while TG analysis is a very sensitive and suitable analysis for assessing the organic matter content of biochar samples. It is far less suitable for heavily polluted environmental samples containing high concentrations of potentially toxic elements. This analysis proved to be even less suitable for estimating the inorganic carbon (IC) content of heavily polluted environmental samples. TOC analysis proved to be the least sensitive of the three methods used, making it impossible to determine low levels of IC in our samples. The comparison of the results of CHN analysis and TOC analysis showed a high agreement between the results of TC content in the analysed samples, except for the highly contaminated samples.

Keywords:carbon, household dust, road dust, TG analysis, TOC

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