
Otrokovo razumevanje in doživljanje ilustracij v slikanici prek likovnega poustvarjanja : diplomsko delo
ID Rakoše, Mija (Author), ID Podobnik, Uršula (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi sem preučevala, kako otroci doživljajo slikanice prek likovnega poustvarjanja. V teoretičnem delu sem na začetku predstavila avtorja lirskih besedil slikanice ter ilustratorki slikanice Mehurčki. Nadaljevala sem s kratkim opisom zgodovine slikanice ter predstavila slikanice, katere vrste slikanic poznamo glede na besedilo in glede na ilustracijo ter opisala še nekaj značilnosti slikanic. Opisala sem tudi, kaj mora vsebovati kakovostna ilustracija, kako obravnavamo književno delo v vrtcu, kakšen je likovni razvoj otroka z vidika dveh likovnih tehnik, in sicer risanja ter kiparjenja. Na koncu sem opisala še razvoj spomina in njegovo vlogo pri pomnjenju. Nadaljevala sem z empiričnim delom, v katerem sem predstavila, kako otroci, stari od pet do šest let, prek likovnega poustvarjanja z uporabo dveh različnih medijev, tj. plastelina ali barvic, in izbrane ilustracije poustvarijo in doživijo prebrano literarno delo. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih deset otrok. Vsem skupaj sem na prvem srečanju prebrala izbrano pesem iz slikanice, na drugem srečanju je delo potekalo individualno – z otrokom sem obnovila prebrano, nato je izbral ljubšo ilustracijo. Na voljo je imel ilustracijo Alenke Sottler in ilustracijo Marlenke Stupica. S pomočjo ogledane ilustracije poustvaril dogajanje v pesmi. Na tretjem srečanju so otroci zopet individualno poskušali ugotoviti, kateri izdelek so ustvarili. V drugem delu raziskave sem predstavila, s katerimi likovnimi dejavnostmi vzgojiteljice spodbudijo likovno poustvarjanje po obravnavi književnega dela v enaki starostni skupini. Ugotovila sem, da so otroci v veliki meri poustvarili glavni lik – zvon, nekateri pa so upodobili določene stranske like ali dogodek. Otroci, ki so za poustvarjanje izbrali barvice, so upodobili več elementov kot otroci, ki so uporabili plastelin. Iz pridobljenih rezultatov sem ugotovila, da na poustvarjanje bolj vplivajo barvice, saj otroci upodobijo več elementov. Vsi otroci so si svoj izdelek po treh tednih od izdelovanja zapomnili. Vzgojitelji so navedli zelo raznolike dejavnosti, navajali so različne likovne tehnike in uporabljene materiale.

Keywords:Likovna vzgoja in izobraževanje, Slikanice, ilustracije, likovni razvoj, pomnjenje, podoživljanje, poustvarjanje, umetnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Rakoše
Number of pages:57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160768-5a16d403-ccc4-192d-811c-82827fd7df56 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206479875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
RAKOŠE, Mija, 2024, Otrokovo razumevanje in doživljanje ilustracij v slikanici prek likovnega poustvarjanja : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : M. Rakoše. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Children's understanding and experiencing of picture book illustrations througha art creation
In my thesis, I explored how children experience picture books through art recreation. In the theoretical part, I initially introduced the authors of the lyrical texts and the illustrators of the picture book "Mehurčki." I continued with a brief history of picture books, detailing different types based on text and illustrations, and highlighted some characteristics of picture books. I also described what constitutes a quality illustration, the treatment of literary works in kindergarten, and the artistic development of children through two techniques: drawing and sculpting. Finally, I discussed memory development and its role in recall. In the empirical part, I presented the results of how children aged 5 to 6 experience and recreate a read literary work using two different media: clay or crayons, and a selected illustration. The study included 10 children. During the first meeting, I read a chosen poem from the picture book to all the children. In the second meeting, each child individually recalled the story, selected a favorite illustration (either by Alenka Sottler or Marlenka Stupica), and recreated the events of the poem using the chosen illustration as a guide. In the third meeting, the children individually tried to identify which product they had created. In the second part of the research, I presented how educators stimulate art recreation after discussing a literary work with children of the same age group. I found that most children recreated the main character—a bell. Some depicted certain side characters or events. Children who chose crayons for recreation depicted more elements than those who used clay. From the obtained results, I concluded that crayons have a greater influence on recreation, as children depicted more elements. All children remembered their creations three weeks after making them. Educators reported using a variety of activities, mentioning different art techniques and materials.

Keywords:picture book, illustrations, artistic development, memory, experiencing, recreation, art

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