
Analogna fotografija LGBTQ+ oseb na slovenskem podeželju
ID Mori, Urška (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V našem diplomskem delu smo želeli skozi serijo portretov, oblikovanih v zine, ozaveščati o pogosto pozabljenem delu LGBTQ+ skupnosti, ki živi na ruralnih predelih Slovenije. Fotografirali smo posameznike, ki se identificirajo z LGBTQ+ skupnostjo in je življenje na podeželju Slovenije del njihove identitete, s katerim se oziroma so se nekoč lahko poistovetili. S kombinacijo analognega načina fotografije in previdno načrtovanimi lokacijami fotografiranj smo uspešno predstavili značaj subjektov in pridobili serijo surovih in realnih portretov, ki opozarjajo na pomanjkanje vidnosti LGBTQ+ skupnosti na slovenskem podeželju. Teoretični del smo začeli s splošnim opisom analogne fotografije, predstavili smo, kako delujeta analogna kamera in film. Nadaljevali smo z analizo ekspozicijskega trikotnika in opisom njegovih elementov, ki jim je sledila razlaga portretne fotografije, kratek pregled njenih vrst in nenazadnje še oris popularnosti analogne fotografije v 21. stoletju. Teoretični del smo zaključili s pregledom začetkov LGBTQ+ aktivizma v Sloveniji, kratko opredelitvijo zinov in opisom LGBTQ+ zinov v Sloveniji. V eksperimentalnem delu smo morali najprej z dvema različnima napravama zajeti fotografije izbranih subjektov, ki smo jih kasneje oblikovali v končno tiskovino – zine. Za oblikovanje smo uporabili izključno program Adobe InDesign 2024, saj smo želeli fotografije obdržati najbolj avtentične, brez računalniške obdelave. Zine smo še natisnili in ga zvezali z žično vezavo. Ugotovili smo, da pri analogni fotografiji pogosto pride do raznih težav z osvetlitvijo kot posledica človeške zmote, napak na opremi ali težavnega vremena. Vedno bodo prisotni dejavniki nad katerimi nimamo vpliva, zato se je potrebno sproti prilagajati in poiskati odgovore na nepredvidljiva vprašanja.

Keywords:analogna fotografija, aktivizem, LGBTQ+ skupnost, portret
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160760-3362dd92-7253-d428-4af6-5db2b888d376 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Title:Analog photography of LGBTQ+ community in rural Slovenia
In our thesis, we wanted to raise awareness about the often-forgotten part of the LGBTQ+ community living in rural areas of Slovenia through a series of portraits in the form of a zine. We photographed individuals who label themselves as part of the LGBTQ+ community and whose life in the Slovenian countryside is part of their identity, with which they identify or once identified. Through a combination of analog photography and carefully planned shooting locations, we have successfully presented the nature and personality of our subjects and obtained a series of raw and realistic portraits that highlight the lack of visibility of the LGBTQ+ community in the Slovenian countryside. The theoretical part of the thesis started with a general description of analog photography and how analog cameras and film work. We continued with an analysis of the exposure triangle and a description of its elements, followed by an explanation of portrait photography, a brief overview of its types, and finally, an outline of the popularity of analog photography in the 21st century. We concluded the theoretical part with an overview of the beginnings of LGBTQ+ activism in Slovenia, a brief definition of zines, and a description of LGBTQ+ zines in Slovenia. In the experimental part, we first had to capture photographs of selected subjects with two different cameras, which were later shaped into the final printed material — the zine. When designing the zine, we used exclusively Adobe InDesign 2024, as we wanted to keep the photos as authentic as possible, without any computer editing. The zine was printed and bound with saddle stitch binding. We realised analog photography often has various exposure problems due to human error, equipment faults, or difficult weather conditions. There will always be factors beyond our control, so we need to adapt and find answers to unpredictable issues.

Keywords:analog photography, activism, LGBTQ+ community, portrait

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