
Rejništvo z vidika izvajalcev rejniške dejavnosti kot ekspertov iz izkušenj
ID Flisar, Maja (Author), ID Videmšek, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 71BD8E55154E6C4F9502E6D23DBB4B6C

V okviru magistrskega dela raziskujem pogled izvajalcev rejniške dejavnosti na rejništvo in njihovo doživljanje le-tega. Zanimalo me je, s kakšno problematiko oziroma s kakšnimi izzivi se srečujejo izvajalci rejniške dejavnosti, kako je izvajanje rejniške dejavnosti vplivalo nanje, na njihovo socialno mrežo in kako svojo vlogo zaznavajo v družbi, hkrati pa so me poleg izzivov zanimale tudi izboljšave, ki se jim zdijo pomembne za izboljšanje rejništva. Zanimala me je tudi vloga socialnega dela v zvezi z rejništvom, ter katere so pozitivne strani rejništva, ki izvajalce rejniške dejavnosti držijo pokonci in opogumljajo za to delo. V teoretičnem delu pišem o družini kot o najpomembnejšem gradniku otrokove identitete v zgodnjih letih življenja, o vrstah družin in o rejniški družini kot osrednji temi magistrske naloge. V nadaljevanju teoretičnega uvoda pišem o rejništvu, pogojih za pridobitev in izvajanje rejniške dejavnosti ter drugih pomembnih osebah v procesu (poleg izvajalcev rejniške dejavnosti). Ob koncu se usmerim še na vlogo centra za socialno delo in na individualno skupino, ki je osrednje mesto za sodelovanje vseh uporabnikov v rejništvu. Rezultate raziskave sem pridobila s pomočjo intervjujev z izvajalci rejniške dejavnosti in jih v empiričnem delu tudi predstavila. Sodelujoče so kot negativno plat izvajanja rejniške dejavnosti najpogosteje izražale prenizko plačilo, stike z matično družino, izziv jim je predstavljala tudi vzgoja otroka s posebnimi potrebami. Vloga socialnega dela pri sodelujočih je bila velika, sodelujoče so s socialno delavko dobro sodelovale, slednja pa jim je nudila pomoč in podporo ter jih ustrezno informirala o postopkih. Kljub pozitivni vlogi so sodelujoče navajale željo po določenih izboljšavah na področju socialnega dela, pri čemer so najpogosteje izpostavljale višje plačilo. Sodelujočim izvajanje rejniške dejavnosti prinaša veliko zadovoljstvo, občutek, da lahko nekomu pomagajo, otroka v rejništvu pa dojemajo kot del svoje družine.

Keywords:izvajanje rejniške dejavnosti, socialno delo, pomanjkanje izvajalcev rejniške dejavnosti, pozitivne strani rejništva
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160756-05fccb90-aea9-25a1-46e9-bf255d3822ae This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Foster care from the point of view of foster care providers as experts in the matter
In the framework of this master's thesis, I explore the view of foster care providers on foster care and their experience with this arrangement. I was interested in the issues or challenges faced by foster care providers, the way in which the implementation of foster care has affected them and their social network, and the way in which they perceived their role in society; in addition to the challenges they were facing, I was also interested in the improvements they consider important in order to improve the field of foster care. I was also interested in the role of social work in relation to foster care, and in the positive sides of foster care that keep foster care providers going and encourage them to persevere. In the theoretical part, I write about the family as the most important building block of a child's identity in the early years of life, about different types of families, and about the foster family as the central topic of this master's thesis. In the continuation of my theoretical introduction, I write about foster care, the conditions for obtaining and performing foster care activities, and other important participants of the process (in addition to foster care providers). Finally, I focus on the role of the department of social services and the individual group, which is the central place for the participation of all users in foster care. The results for my research, which are presented in the empirical part of my thesis, were obtained through interviews with foster care providers. When asked about the negative side of the implementation of foster care activities, the participants most often noted the fact that these activities are underpaid, as well as the issue of contact with the original family; the upbringing of a child with special needs was also a challenge for them. For the participants, the role of social work was important, since they cooperated well with their social workers who provided them with assistance and support and also adequately informed them of any necessary procedures. Despite their positive impression, the participants stated the need for certain improvements in the field of social work, most often highlighting higher salary. Foster care brings great satisfaction to participants, compounded by the feeling that they can help someone, and they perceive the child in foster care as part of their family.

Keywords:implementation of foster care activities, social work, lack of foster care providers, positive sides of foster care

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