
Vloga ilustracij v slikanici skozi prizmo otrok, staršev in vzgojiteljev : diplomsko delo
ID Cirnski, Urška (Avtor), ID Podobnik, Uršula (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vloga ilustracij v slikanici skozi prizmo otrok, staršev in vzgojiteljev sem v teoretičnem delu najprej opredelila pojem slikanica, navedla in opisala njene osnovne funkcije, zahtevnostne stopnje ter tipologijo. Zapisala sem, kakšna je kakovostna otroška literatura ter opredelila pomen branja in vlogo odraslega, saj se na to področje delno navezuje tudi moja raziskava s starši in vzgojitelji, ki sem jo opisala v empiričnem delu diplomskega dela. Opredelila sem pojem ilustracija, na kratko opisala njeno zgodovino ter njen pomen. Opredelila sem, kakšna je kakovostna književna ilustracija, navedla sem tudi merila za določanje kakovosti ilustracije. Dotaknila sem se vloge barv v kulturi in njihove simbolike ter barv v otroški risbi. Opredelila sem pojem spomin, navedla in opisala sem vrste spomina (senzorni, kratkoročni, delovni in dolgoročni spomin). Pisala sem tudi o pozabljanju in spominu pri otrocih, saj sem to področje v navezavi z barvami v otroški ilustraciji raziskovala s predšolskimi otroki. V empiričnem delu sem opisala raziskavo, ki sem jo izvajala skozi individualno delo in pogovore s predšolskimi otroki. Raziskovala sem, kako na pomnjenje informacij iz slikanice vpliva črno-bela ali barvna ilustracija. Raziskovala sem tudi, katera izmed naštetih otroke bolj pritegne, kateri so bolj naklonjeni. Rezultati so pokazali, da otroke bolj pritegne barvna ilustracija. Izkazalo se je, da barva v ilustraciji pozitivno vpliva na pomnjenje informacij, razlike so najbolj vidne pri pomnjenju barv ter trajnosti zapomnjenih informacij. Četudi so si otroci, ki so brali črno-belo slikanico, v povprečju nekatere informacije bolje zapomnili takoj po branju, je bilo pomnjenje pri otrocih, ki so brali barvno slikanico, po dveh tednih boljše. Z dvema anketnima vprašalnikoma sem raziskovala, katera merila za izbiro slikanic poudarjajo starši in katera vzgojitelji/ce. Rezultati kažejo, da je staršem in vzgojiteljem najpomembnejša kakovost besedila, nato zgodba in nauk ter na koncu še videz in slog ilustracij. Starši so ocenjevali še pomembnost cene, ki se je glede na odgovore izkazala za najmanj pomembno merilo.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:slikanica, kakovostna književna ilustracija, barve, barvna ilustracija, črno-bela ilustracija, pomnjenje
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:U. Cirnski
Leto izida:2024
Št. strani:83 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160746-19848c4f-27f2-b925-5eaf-9d2435cf67d8 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:206623491 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:04.09.2024
Število ogledov:74
Število prenosov:25
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Role of Illustrations in Picture Books from the Perspective of Children, Parents and Pre-School Teachers
In the theoretical section of the diploma thesis entitled “Role of Illustrations in Picture Books from the Perspective of Children, Parents and Pre-School Teachers” I first define the concept of a picture book, then mention and describe its basic functions, levels of difficulty, and typology. I write about the characteristics of quality children's literature and define the importance of reading and the role of an adult. The survey I conducted among parents and pre-school teachers, which is described in the empirical section of the thesis, partly relates to this area. I have defined the concept of an illustration, briefly describing its history and importance. I have defined what makes a quality book illustration and mentioned the criteria for determining the quality of an illustration. I have touched on the role of colours in culture and their symbolism, and of colours in children's book illustration. I have defined the concept of memory, listing and describing the types of memory (sensory, short-term, working and long-term memory). I also write about forgetting and memory in children, as I have researched this topic with pre-school children in connection with colours in children's book illustration. In the empirical section, I describe the survey I conducted through one-on-one work and talks with pre-school children. I researched how a black-and-white or colour illustration affects the retention of information from a picture book. I also researched which of these illustrations children are more drawn to or in favour of. The results have shown that children are more drawn to a colour illustration. It has been determined that an illustration in colour has a positive impact on the retention of information; differences are most visible in remembering the colours themselves and in the lastingness of the information retained. Although on average the children who had read a black-and-white picture book memorized some information better immediately after reading it, two weeks later retention was better in the children who had read a colour picture book. Two survey questionnaires were used to research which criteria for selecting picture books are highlighted by parents and which by pre-school teachers. The results indicate that parents and pre-school teachers find the quality of the text the most important, followed by the story and moral, and lastly by the look and style of the illustrations. Parents also rated the importance of price; according to their responses, it is the least important criterion.

Ključne besede:picture book, quality book illustration, colours, colour illustration, black-and-white illustration, retention

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