
Optimizacija procesa pregleda zasedenosti proizvodnih kapacitet v farmacevtskem podjetju s pomočjo programa Microsoft Excel : diplomsko delo
ID Zajc, Klemen (Author), ID Škulj, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu z naslovom Optimizacija procesa pregleda zasedenosti proizvodnih kapacitet v farmacevtskem podjetju s pomočjo programa Microsoft Excel želimo raziskati področje oskrbovalne verige farmacevtske sektorja oziroma natančneje, kako znotraj funkcije planiranja proizvodnih virov, ki predstavlja njen del, obvladovati tveganja skozi S&OP-proces, doseči agilnost in visoko fleksibilnost ter implementirati avtomatizirano poročilo. S poročilom se bomo tveganjem v oskrbovalni verigi lažje izognili ter omogočili uporabniku poročila boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo s poudarkom na hitrosti izdelave pregleda ter jasni vizualizaciji kazalnikov, s katerimi bodo zaposleni lažje sprejemali poslovne odločitve. Danes glavni problem že zastarelega poročila predstavlja čas, ki ga planer potrebuje za pripravo poročila in manko izračuna kazalnikov in njihova vizualizacija. V teoretskem delu diplomskega dela spoznamo oskrbovalno verigo, proizvodno planiranje ter Power Query orodje, ki ga bomo uporabili pri izgradnji. S premikom na empirični z uporabo kvalitativne metode nestrukturiranega intervjuja pa pridobimo dodatne informacije glede potrebnih izboljšav, po čemer v zadnjem delu sledi izdelava avtomatiziranega poročila. Z avtomatizacijo nam je uspelo ugoditi večini zahtev uporabnikov ter potrditi vse zastavljene hipoteze, ki so zastavljene v smeri zgoraj naštetih izboljšav.

Keywords:Power Query, optimizacija poročila, pregled zasedenosti kapacitet, oskrbovalna veriga, planiranje proizvodnje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Zajc
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (49 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160745-6d393a57-3577-109e-2e17-57e77ebaf88b This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207415811 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of capacity utilization report in a pharmaceutical company using Microsoft Excel
In this diploma thesis entitled "Optimization of capacity utilization report in a pharmaceutical company using Microsoft Excel", we aim to explore the area of pharmaceutical supply chain, specifically how to manage risk through the S&OP process within the production resource planning function, achieve agility and high flexibility, and implement an automated report. The automated report will help mitigate supply chain risks and provide a better user experience by focusing on the speed of the review preparation and clear visualization of KPIs, making it easier for employees to make business decisions. The main problem with the outdated report currently is the time planners need to prepare it and the lack of KPI indicators and their visualization. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we dive deep into the supply chain, production planning and the Power Query tool that we will use for the creation. In the empirical part, we use the qualitative method of unstructured interviews to gather additional information about the necessary improvements before creating an automated report in the final section. With the automation, we managed to fulfill most of the users' requirements and confirm all the hypotheses targeting the improvements.

Keywords:Power Query, report optimization, capacity utilization overview, supply chain management, production planning

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