The Kurds are known to be one of the few nations without their own state. Despite meeting all the criteria that define a nation—they have their own identity, have lived on the same territory for centuries, and have their own language and culture. The purpose of this thesis is to raise awareness among readers about the struggle the Kurds have been waging for centuries, in the hope of achieving their ultimate goal of independence. To facilitate understanding of the topic, I will begin with the history of the Kurds. The next chapter will address more recent events, which are etched in the collective memory of all Kurds with blood and pain. The Iran-Iraq War had a significant impact on the region where the Kurds reside. This chapter will serve as an introduction to the following chapter, where we will discuss the PKK—considered by some as a terrorist organization, and by others as a path to an independent state. I will present the leader of the organization, its initial armed actions, and its current status. We will analytically approach a more democratic approach to Kurdish rights and protection, focusing on a party that some in Turkey view as a serious player on the political scene, while others see it as a political extension of the PKK and therefore seek its immediate dissolution: the HDP. In addition to the tactics Kurds employ in parliament, we will also focus on the tactics that the organization has used to this day. From guerrilla warfare to the currently popular tactic of using drones to achieve their goals. After the analysis, we will conclude by confirming or refuting the stated hypotheses.