
Mediji in umetna inteligenca: Primeri uporabe na RTV Slovenija
ID Rozman, Nia (Author), ID Krašovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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»Prihod« umetne inteligence je korenito spremenil različne panoge, v prihodnosti pa lahko pričakujemo, da jih bo še bolj. Zagotovo mednje sodijo tudi mediji oz. medijske zaposlitve, ki so po nekaterih napovedih celo »ogrožene«, saj je ta sposobna pridobiti in analizirati najrazličnejše večje količine podatkov, sestavljati samostojne članke, povzetke, novice …, in to v veliko krajšem času, kot ga za isto delo potrebuje človek. Hkrati pa se zastavljajo različna vprašanja oz. dileme z etičnimi načeli, načeli varovanja podatkov, širjenje dezinformacij oz. zahtevno preverjanje verodostojnosti pridobljenih podatkov … V zaključnem delu bom raziskovala uporabo umetne inteligence v medijih in se pri tem osredotočila na primere dobre prakse v javni medijski hiši RTV Slovenija, kjer je ta na različnih področjih že različno integrirana v delovne oz. produkcijske procese – ponekod bolj, drugje pa manj. Opisala bom izbrana področja v medijski hiši, kjer že pridobivajo ali imajo izkušnje z uvajanjem UI. Ta področja so novinarstvo (informativni kanal in portal MMC), spletno komentiranje, podnaslavljanje za gluhe in naglušne ter na koncu še tehnični oddelek. Po mojih ugotovitvah orodja UI (zaenkrat) še nimajo večjega vpliva, saj jih uvajajo zelo postopno in previdno. Najbolj se uporabljajo v enostavnejših podpornih funkcijah delovnih in produkcijskih procesih, kot so npr. transkripcija, pomoč pri iskanju ključnih besed, pomoč pri urejanju spletnih komentarjev …

Keywords:Mediji, umetna inteligenca, integracija, etične dileme
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Rozman]
Number of pages:27 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160725-6bf55b81-a7a0-cf38-07eb-4044aec2f284 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Title:Media and Artificial Intelligence: Examples of Use at RTV Slovenia
The »arrival« of artificial intelligence (AI) has radically transformed various industries, and we can expect even more significant changes in the future. Among these industries are certainly the media and media-related professions, which, according to some predictions, are even »endangered.« This is because AI is collect and analyze large amounts of data, composing independent articles, summaries, news reports, and more, in a much shorter time than a human would need for the same tasks. At the same time, various questions and dilemmas arise regarding ethical principles, privacy principles, the spread of misinformation, and the challenging verification of the credibility of the obtained data. I will examine the use of AI in the media, focusing on examples of good practice in the public media house RTV Slovenia, where AI is already integrated with varying degrees in different work and production processes—more in some areas and less in others. I will describe selected areas within the media house where they are already gaining or have experience with the introduction of AI. These areas include journalism (the informational channel and MMC portal), online commenting, subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing, and finally, the technical department. According to my findings, AI tools (for now) do not have a significant impact since they are being introduced very gradually and cautiously. They are mostly used in simpler support functions of work and production processes, such as transcription, assistance in keyword search support, assistance in moderating online comment, etc.

Keywords:Media, artificial intelligence, integration, ethical dilemmas

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