
Analiza možnosti uporabe umetne inteligence v kozmetiki
ID Juvan Zupančič, Sara (Author), ID Gašperlin, Mirjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kozmetična industrija zahteva od podjetij stalno razvijanje novih izdelkov, ki zadovoljijo potrošnike. V zadnjem času je v ospredje vstopila tehnologija umetne inteligence (UI), ki se je že uspešno vključila v pomembnejše industrijske panoge. Orodja UI omogočajo podjetjem razumeti želje strank s pomočjo virtualnih preizkusov in analize obraza, kar omogoča izdelavo personaliziranih kozmetičnih izdelkov in priporočil, lažji razvoj formulacij, iskanje sestavin, izboljšane tržne strategije in boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo. ChatGPT in Microsoft Copilot se med potrošniki uporabljata kot pripomočka pri svetovanju in omogočata hitre odgovore na različna vprašanja. Oba sta jezikovna modela, ki sta zmožna kompleksnega razmišljanja, povezovanja idej in učenja. V okviru diplomske naloge smo ovrednotili njune odgovore na vprašanja, ki smo jih zastavljali tako, da so zahtevala specifičen odgovor glede na regulativo in inovativna vprašanja, kjer sta morala utemeljeno predstaviti sintezo znanja iz področja formuliranja, kozmetično aktivnih sestavin in uporabe kozmetičnih izdelkov. Naši rezultati kažejo, da sta modela uspešno odgovorila na vprašanja, ki so se navezovala na spremembe pri formuliranju, predlogih pri specifičnih kožnih težavah in mehanizmih sestavin, saj sta lahko črpala svoje odgovore iz različnih virov, medtem ko so se kot največje pomanjkljivosti izkazale pravilno navajanje člankov, težje sledenje spremembam regulative in neustrezna terminologija. V drugem delu diplomske naloge smo pregledali 50 člankov in novic iz strokovne literature, ki so ustrezali izbranim kriterijem in jih analizirali glede na vrsto članka, leto objave, uporabo UI, državo in zaposlitev avtorjev ter pozitivne/negativne argumente pri uporabi UI. Rezultati so pokazali, da je preglednih člankov in izvirnih znanstvenih člankov največ; da strokovna literatura, ki govori o UI v kozmetični industriji narašča; da se UI uporablja predvsem pri analizah obraza, las, kože, prilagojenih priporočilih ter kot pomoč pri formuliranju; da največ avtorjev prihaja iz Indije in ZDA, zaposleni pa so pri podjetjih, ki že uporabljajo UI; glaven pozitiven argument je, da UI pomaga podjetjem povečati zadovoljstvo potrošnikov. Iz rezultatov moje diplomske naloge lahko zaključimo, da predstavljata ChatGPT in Copilot dober pripomoček, vendar sta problematična iz vidika širjenja nepreverjenih informacij in napačnega navajanja člankov, katerih posledica je lahko plagiatorstvo, nepravilno razumevanje konteksta in manjša verodostojnost, zato je potrebna previdnost in kritičnost do informacij. UI se uspešno vključuje v kozmetično industrijo in predvidevamo, da bo njena uporaba le še naraščala.

Keywords:umetna inteligenca, kozmetika, ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160724-344720e9-f313-dff0-a3b9-6a0a94ded2d2 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in cosmetics
The cosmetics industry requires companies to continuously develop new products that satisfy consumers. Recently, artificial intelligence technology (AI) has come to the fore and has already been successfully integrated into major industries. AI tools allows companies to understand customer preferences through virtual try-on and facial analysis, enabling the creation of personalised cosmetic products and recommendations, facilitating formulation development, ingredient sourcing, improved marketing strategies and better user experience. ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot are used among consumers as counselling aids and provide quick answers to various questions. Both are language models that are capable of complex thinking, integration of ideas and learning. In the context of the thesis, we evaluated their answers to questions that were posed in a way that required a specific answer in relation to regulatory and innovative questions, where they had to provide a reasoned synthesis of knowledge in the field of formulation, cosmetically active ingredients and the use of cosmetic products. Our results show that the models successfully answered questions related to changes in formulation, suggestions for specific skin problems and mechanisms of ingredients, as they were able to draw their answers from a variety of sources, while the biggest drawbacks were correct citation of articles, difficulty in keeping up with regulatory changes and inadequate terminology. In the second part of the thesis, we reviewed 50 articles and news from the peer-reviewed literature that met the selected criteria and analysed them according to the type of article, year of publication, use of AI, country and employment of the authors, and positive/negative arguments for the use of AI. The results showed that review articles and original research articles are the most frequent; that the literature on AI in the cosmetics industry is growing; that AI is mainly used in facial, hair, skin analyses, personalised recommendations and as assistance with formulation; that the majority of authors are from India and the USA and are employed by companies already using AI; and that the main positive argument is that AI helps companies to increase consumer satisfaction. From the results of thesis, we can conclude that ChatGPT and Copilot are good tools, but they are problematic in terms of spreading unverified information and misquoting articles, which can result in plagiarism, misunderstanding of context and reduced credibility, so caution and critical assessment of information is needed. AI is being successfully integrated into the cosmetics industry and we anticipate that its use will continue to grow.

Keywords:artificial intelligence, cosmetics, ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot

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