
Hišna avtomatizacija z računalniškim vidom
ID Sobotič Verdnik, Uroš (Author), ID Burnik, Urban (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi sta opisana razvoj in izdelava sistema za hišno avtomatizacijo z metodami računalniškega vida. Uvodoma se spoznamo s področjema hišne avtomatizacije in interneta stvari. Povzamemo ključne sestavne dele, strukturo in delovanje. Seznanimo se s konceptom računalniškega vida, njegovim delovanjem in uporabnostjo na področju hišne avtomatizacije. V nadaljevanju sledi razlaga uporabljene strukture, glede na potrebe sistema. Sledi opis bistvenih uporabljenih sestavnih delov, natančneje platforma Home Assistant, omrežni video snemalnik Frigate, mikroračunalnik Raspberry Pi in snemalna kamera Tapo C200. Natančno opišemo potek nastavitve in delovanja sistema. Sistem povežemo v lokalno omrežje, implementiramo dodatne funkcionalnosti in ustvarimo avtomatizacije. Nato opišemo osnovne uporabniške scenarije in jih testiramo. Na koncu z rezultati in ugotovitvami ovrednotimo delovanje našega sistema ter podamo pomisleke in možnosti za različne nadgradnje.

Keywords:Hišna avtomatizacija, IoT, internet stvari, Home Assistant, Raspberry Pi, avtomatizacija, računalniški vid, MQTT
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160700 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206329347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Home automation based on computer vision
The thesis describes the development and implementation of a home automation system using computer vision methods. Initially, we explore the fields of home automation and the Internet of Things. We summarize the key components, structure, and operation. We familiarize ourselves with the concept of computer vision, its functioning, and its applicability in the field of home automation. Next, we explain the structure used according to the system's needs. This is followed by a description of the essential components used, specifically the Home Assistant platform, the Frigate network video recorder, the Raspberry Pi microcomputer, and the Tapo C200 camera. We provide a detailed description of the setup process and the system's operation. The system is connected to the local network, additional functionalities are implemented, and automations are created. We then describe basic user scenarios and test them. Finally, we evaluate the system's performance with results and findings, and provide considerations and possibilities for various upgrades.

Keywords:Home automation, IoT, Internet of Things, Home Assistant, Raspberry Pi, automation, computer vision, MQTT

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