
Matrilinearni prenos odnosov do menstruacije: Perspektive treh generacij žensk
ID Turnšek, Lana (Author), ID Lunaček Brumen, Ana Sarah (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi se posvečam raziskovanju matrilinearnega prenosa informacij in odnosov žensk do menstruacije med generacijami znotraj družinske enote, da bi ugotovila, kako se ti odnosi spreminjajo skozi čas. Osrednja raziskovalna vprašanja se osredotočajo na odnose žensk do menstruacije, vpliv javnega govora na oblikovanje teh odnosov, spremembe v javnem diskurzu skozi čas, in vpliv teh sprememb na prenos menstrualnega znanja. Analiza vključuje tudi koncepte kot so samoobjektivacija, samonadzor, menstrualni sram in prikrivanje. Posvetim se menstrualnemu komunikacijskemu tabuju, ki ga analiziram skozi oglaševanje menstrualnih izdelkov, različna poimenovanja menstruacije in načine govora o menstruaciji med sogovornicami. Teoretsko sem izhajala iz feminističnih teorij, teorije objektivacije in teorije sramu. Metodološki pristop je vključeval intervjuje s predstavnicami treh generacij žensk in avtoetnografski zapis. Izsledki intervjujev kažejo, da kljub spreminjajočemu se odnosu do menstruacije med generacijami, tabuizacija še vedno vztraja. Starejše generacije pogosto dojemajo menstruacijo kot tabu temo, medtem ko mlajše generacije kažejo večjo odprtost in manj sramu, čeprav pritisk po prikrivanju menstruacije ostaja prisoten. Naloga poziva k nadaljnjim prizadevanjem za destigmatizacijo menstruacije, kar bi prispevalo k podpornejšemu okolju za sledeče generacije, ter spodbujajo bolj nevtralen odnos do tega telesnega procesa.

Keywords:menstruacija, matrilinearni prenos, menstrualni tabu, samoobjektivacija, menstrualno prikrivanje, menstrualni sram
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160682 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Matrilineal Transmission of Attitudes towards Menstruation: Perspectives of Three Generations of Women
The thesis explores the matrilineal transmission of information and women's attitudes towards menstruation across generations within the family unit, to discover how these attitudes change over time. The central research questions focus on women's attitudes towards menstruation, the influence of public discourse on the formation of these attitudes, changes in public discourse over time, and the impact of these changes on the transmission of menstrual knowledge. The analysis also includes concepts such as self-objectification, self-control, menstrual shame and concealment. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on the menstrual communication taboo, which is analysed through the advertising of menstrual products, the different names given to menstruation and the ways in which the interviewed women talk about menstruation. Theoretically, the thesis draws on feminist theories, objectification theory and shame theory. The methodological approach includes interviews with representatives of three generations of women and autoethnographic recording. The interview findings show that despite changing attitudes towards menstruation across generations, the perpetuation of taboos still persists. Older generations often perceive menstruation as a taboo subject, while younger generations show more openness and less shame, although the pressure to conceal menstruation remains. The thesis calls for further efforts to destigmatise menstruation, which would contribute to a more supportive environment for the next generations, and encourage a more neutral attitude towards this bodily process.

Keywords:menstruation, matrilineal transmission, menstrual taboo, self-objectification, menstrual concealment, menstrual shame

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