
3D produktna animacija pijače
ID Janev, Kostantin (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil izdelati 3D animacijo produkta. Z animacijo izdelka smo želeli kupcu predstaviti izdelek na jasen in zanimiv način ter ga tako spodbuditi k nakupu. Animacija predstavi njegove lastnosti in videz v različnih okoljih, ki so tematsko povezani z izdelkom in blagovno znamko. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej opredelili produktno animacijo. Zatem smo raziskali različne zvrsti produktnih animacij, ki se uporabljajo v industriji, in preučili njihove značilnosti. Nato smo se poglobili v animacijski cevovod, ki je ključen pri ustvarjanju vseh vrst animacije. Preučili smo njegove faze od idejne zasnove do končnega izdelka. Na koncu teoretičnega dela smo analizirali dober obstoječ praktičen primer produktne animacije čevlja. Preučili smo njeno dogajanje, osvetljevanje in zvok, da bi bolje razumeli, kako narativni elementi vplivajo na končni izdelek. V eksperimentalnem delu smo sledili smernicam animacijskega cevovoda. Ustvarili smo idejno zasnovo in v skladu s konceptom oblikovali blagovno znamko japonskega izvora. Narisali smo zgodboris, pri čemer smo načrtovali gibanje kamere in kadre. V programu Blender smo izdelali 3D model in scene ter opisali postopek njihove izdelave. Animacijo smo upodobili in jo uredili v programu DaVinchi Resolve v celovit video. Video smo dopolnili z glasbeno podlago in zvočnimi ter vizualnimi učinki. Končni animacijski video smo na koncu analizirali. Pogledali smo dobre in slabe lastnosti izdelane animacije ter na podlagi tega opisali možne izboljšave.

Keywords:3D, produktna animacija, Blender, preoblikovalec
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160681 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:3D drink product animation
The purpose of this thesis was to create a 3D animation of a product. With the product animation, we aimed to present the product to the customer in a clear and interesting way, thus encouraging them to make a purchase. The animation showcases the product's features and appearance in various environments that are thematically linked to the product and brand. In the theoretical part, we first defined product animation. Then, we explored various types of product animations used in the industry and examined their characteristics. Next, we delved into the animation pipeline, which is crucial in creating all types of animation. We examined its phases from conceptualization to the final product. At the end of the theoretical part, we analyzed a good existing practical example of product animation for a shoe. We studied its narrative, lighting, and sound to better understand how narrative elements affect the final product. In the experimental part, we followed the guidelines of the animation pipeline. We created a conceptual design and, in line with the concept, designed a brand of Japanese origin. We drew a storyboard, planning camera movement and shots. In the Blender program, we created 3D models and scenes and described the process of creating them. We rendered the animation and edited it into a comprehensive video using DaVinci Resolve. We enhanced the video with a musical background and audio and visual effects. Finally, we analyzed the finished animation video. We looked at the good and bad aspects of the animation produced and described possible improvements based on this analysis.

Keywords:3D, product animation, Blender, modifier

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