
Vpliv izbire materiala na izdelavo obleke brez odpadka
ID Slabe, Lara (Author), ID Zupin, Živa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vedno več posameznikov se zaveda trajnostne problematike in stremijo k bolj trajnostnemu načinu življenja, kot sta zmanjšanje odpadkov in uporaba kakovostnih izdelkov, ki so proizvedeni na okolju prijazen način. Eno od trajnostnih gibanj je tudi gibanje brez odpadka ali »zero waste«, ki se je uveljavilo tudi v svetu konfekcijske in modne industrije. Je odgovor na hitro modo, kjer nastaja veliko tekstilnih odpadkov v procesu izdelave oblačil, kot tudi po končani uporabi. Zero waste oblikovanje se začne že v fazi oblikovanja oblačil, kjer odpadki zaradi oblike krojnih delov ne nastanejo ali jih je zelo malo. Tehnike oblikovanja oblačil brez odpadkov vodijo k oblikovanju oblačil, ki se s prilagajanjem krojev na različne načine prilagajajo dimenzijam materiala. Pri klasičnem krojenju je odpadek materiala vsaj 15 odstotkov zaradi oblike krojev, neujemanja vzorcev in strukture materiala. Namen diplomskega dela je bil izdelati poletno obleko iz dveh različnih materialov, tkanine in pletiva. Najprej je bila izdelana idejna skica oblačila; nato je bil izdelan kroj po principu brez odpadka po metodi geometrijske sestavljanke. Osnova za izdelavo krojnih delov po metodi »zero waste« so bili klasični kroji, ki smo jih prilagodili in jih spremenili v geometrijske like. Glede na dimenzije izbranega materiala ter načina izdelave oblačil iz pletiva in tkanine je bil prilagojen kroj oblačila. Tkanina je bila širine 145 cm, pletivo 135 cm. Razlika je bila tudi v tem, da smo pri tkanini določili dodatek za šiv 1 cm, medtem ko je imelo oblačilo sešito iz pletiva dodatek za šiv 0,7 cm zaradi različne vrste sestavnih šivov, kar je tudi vplivalo na izdelavo kroja. Izdelana je bila tudi primerjava med končno izdelavo oblačil iz tkanine in pletiva. Končni rezultat so bile štiri trajnostno izdelane poletne obleke brez dodatnih odpadkov pri krojenju.

Keywords:zero waste, krojenje brez odpadka, trajnostna moda, poletne obleke, tkanina, pletivo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160680 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Title:Influence of material selection on production of zero-waste garment
More and more people are becoming aware of the issue of sustainability and are moving towards a more sustainable lifestyle, for example by reducing waste and using quality products that have been produced in an environmentally friendly way. One of the sustainability movements is the zero-waste movement which has also gained a foothold in the world of the clothing and fashion industry. It is a reaction to fast fashion which generates a lot of textile waste both during production and after the clothing has been used. Zero waste design begins at the garment design stage where little or no waste is produced due to the shape of the pattern pieces. The techniques of zero-waste garment design result in garments that adapt to the dimensions of the material by adjusting the cut in various ways. In conventional tailoring, material waste is at least 15% due to the shape of the cuts, the mismatch of the patterns, and the structure of the material itself. This thesis aimed to produce a summer dress from two different materials, woven and knitted fabric and knitted fabric. First, a conceptual sketch of the garment was made. Then, a pattern was made using the zero-waste geometric puzzle method. The zero-waste patterns were based on classic patterns that were adapted and transformed into geometric figures. The cut of the garment was adapted according to the dimensions of the chosen material and the way the garment was made from knitted and woven fabric. The woven fabric was 145 cm wide and the knitted fabric was 135 cm wide. Another difference was that the woven garment had a seam allowance of 1 cm while the knitted garment had a seam allowance of 0.7 cm, which was due to the different types of dividing seams, which also affected the cut. A comparison was also made between the final production of the fabric and the knitted garment. The final result was four sustainably produced summer dresses with no additional waste during tailoring.

Keywords:zero waste, zero waste tailoring, sustainable fashion, summer dresses, woven fabric, knitted fabrics

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