
Oblikovanje grafične podobe za projekt Degradirana okolja in umetnost
ID Leskovar, Zalka (Author), ID Beja, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi smo razvili celostno grafično podobo za projekt Degradirana okolja in njihovo oživljanje v kulturni prostor z umetnostjo, ki se izvaja pod okriljem Univerze v Ljubljani in njenega krovnega projekta Univerza v Ljubljani za trajnostno družbo. Namen magistrskega dela je bil izdelati celostno grafično podobo, ki se bo uporabljala za gradnjo identitete in promocije projekta Degradirana območja z rabo umetnosti in bo s svojim videzom nakazovala na izobraževanje odraslih likovnih veščin z vključevanjem degradiranih okolij po različnih področjih Slovenije. Cilj magistrske naloge je bil v teoretičnem delu predstaviti teoretična izhodišča vizualnega dojemanja oblik in barv ter tematike celostnih grafičnih podob, kjer smo želeli pojasniti odnos med grafično podobo in naročnikom ter razčleniti in opisati njene sestavne deli. Drugi cilj je bil na podlagi teoretičnih osnov analizirati krovne znake ponudnikov likovnih izobraževanj na območju Ljubljane in njene okolice. Tretji cilj je bil na podlagi teoretičnih osnov in analize konkurenčnih ponudnikov oblikovati celostno grafično podobo s pripadajočim osnovnim znakom, barvno paleto, pisavo, spremljevalnimi grafičnimi elementi in priročnikom za uporabo celostne grafične podobe projekta. Postopek oblikovanja krovnega znaka kot osrednjega elementa celostne grafične podobe smo izvedli s postopkom, ki je vključeval več ponavljajočih faz od idejne zasnove do predstavitve naročniku in izboljšave predlogov. Končna izbira krovnega znaka, barvne sheme in tipografije je bila sprejeta na podlagi povratnih informacij naročnika in analize krovnih znakov ponudnikov likovnih izobraževanj v okolici Ljubljane. Naše ugotovitve so potrdile, da komunikacija z naročnikom, poznavanje teoretičnih izhodišč in konkurenčnih ponudnikov igra ključno vlogo pri razvoju učinkovite grafične podobe.

Keywords:Celostna grafična podoba, vizualno dojemanje, dojemanje oblik, dojemanje barv, blagovna znamka
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160676 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Title:Designing graphic identity for project Degraded land and art
As part of our master's thesis we created a graphic identity for the project "Degraded Land and Art," which is carried out under the direction of the University of Ljubljana and its project "University of Ljubljana for a Sustainable Society." The aim of the master's thesis is to create a graphic identity that will be used for the purpose of identity building and promotion of the project "Degraded Land and Art." Its appearance will highlight the education of art skills for adults by integrating degraded environments in different areas of Slovenia. The master's thesis focused on integrated graphic pictures and presented the theoretical underpinnings of how shapes and colors are perceived visually. In the theoretical section, we aimed to make clear the connection between between the client and visual identity in the theoretical section. The second goal was to analyze, using theoretical underpinnings, the brandmarks of art education providers in the Ljubljana region and its environs. The third goal was to create a handbook explaining how to use the project's integrated visual picture, along with a graphic identity that included a brandmark, color scheme, typography, and supplementary graphic elements. This was done by analyzing competitors and drawing inspiration from theoretical frameworks. An iterative technique was used to design the brandmark, which serves as the focal point of the entire graphic image. This process involved multiple conceptual design stages, client presentations, and incremental proposal refining. Based on the input from the customer and a study of the brandmarks of local providers of art education in Ljubljana, the final decisions about the brandmark, color scheme, and font were determined. Our research demonstrated the importance of client communication, theoretical background knowledge, and awareness of rival suppliers in the creation of a successful graphic identity.

Keywords:Graphic identity, visual perception, perception of shapes, perception of colours, trademark

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