
Izdelava grafičnih elementov za video igro
ID Ipavec, Nika (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru diplomskega dela smo se odločili sodelovati z razvijalcem pri izdelavi računalniške igre. Naš glavni cilj je bil ustvariti vizualno všečno igro, ki bi bila uspešna in priljubljena med igralci video iger. Namen našega dela je bil ustvariti grafične elemente za video igro. Natančno smo oblikovali like, s čimer smo zagotovili, da ima vsak svojo osebnost in vizualno všečnost. Poleg tega smo pozornost posvetili oblikovanju ozadij, ki niso le postavila scen prizorišča, temveč tudi obogatila igralno okolje. Naša naloga se je razširila na konceptualizacijo in implementacijo različne opreme, ikon in elementov interaktivnosti znotraj uporabniškega vmesnika igre s ciljem izboljšati uporabniško izkušnjo in poenostaviti mehaniko igranja. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili različne vrste iger ter njihove značilnosti in posebnosti. Osredotočili smo se na igre igranja vlog, ekstrakcijske igre, dungeon crawler in roguelike, vrste iger, med katere spada tudi igra, ki smo jo izdelali v okviru diplomskega dela. Govorili smo tudi o grafičnih elementih, ki jih potrebujemo za izdelavo igre, kot so liki, ozadja in elementi interaktivnosti. Prav tako smo dali pozornost širšemu obsegu dela grafičnega oblikovalca pri izdelavi igre, torej oblikovanju sveta in zgodbe igre, oblikovanju likov, glasbi in uporabniškem vmesniku in promociji le-te. V eksperimentalnem delu smo s pomočjo analize konkurence ustvarili vizijo in poiskali reference. Natančno smo opisali potek dela, od skiciranja v programu Krita do končnega oblikovanja v programu Adobe Illustrator. Opisali smo tudi grafično tablico Wacom, ki smo jo uporabljali v procesu ustvarjanja. Izdelali smo like, opremo in orožja ter elemente interaktivnosti. Rezultat našega raziskovanja in ustvarjanja nam je dal podroben vpogled v proces in obsežnost dela za oblikovanje računalniških iger. Pomembno je bilo tudi spoznanje, da je trg prenasičen in zato uspešnost igre vse težja. Pridobili smo ogromno znanja, ki nam bo v pomoč pri nadaljevanju oblikovanja igre in prihodnjih projektih.

Keywords:računalniška igra, elementi interaktivnosti, grafični elementi, barve
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Creating graphic elements for video game
As part of the diploma thesis, we decided to collaborate with the developer to create a computer game. Our main goal was to create a visually pleasing game that would be successful and popular among video game players. Our work aimed to create graphic elements for a video game. We carefully crafted the characters to ensure everyone has their personality and visual appeal. In addition, we paid attention to the design of wallpapers, which set the scene of the scene and enriched the gaming environment. Our task was extended to conceptualising and implementing various equipment, icons and interactivity elements within the game’s user interface, aiming to improve the user experience and simplify the gameplay mechanics. In the theoretical part, we presented different types of games and their characteristics and peculiarities. We focused on role-playing games, extraction games, dungeon crawlers and roguelike, types of games including the game we developed as part of our thesis. We also discussed the graphic elements we need to make a game, such as characters, backgrounds, and interactivity elements. We also paid attention to the broader scope of the graphic designer’s work in making the game, i.e. shaping the game’s world and story, character design, music and user interface, and game promotion. In the experimental part, we created a vision and looked for references with the help of competition analysis. We have detailed the workflow, from sketching in Krita to final design in Adobe Illustrator. We also described the Wacom graphics tablet that we used throughout the process. We created characters, equipment and weapons as well as elements of interactivity. The result of our research and creation gave us a detailed insight into the process and scope of work for designing computer games. It was also important to realize that the market is oversaturated, and therefore, the success of the game is more challenging. We have gained much knowledge that will help us further develop the game and other future.

Keywords:video game, elements of interactivity, graphic elements, colors

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