
Učinki meditacije na travmo in travmatične izkušnje
ID Kolar, Aleksander (Author), ID Erzar, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Travma in meditacija sta kompleksna pojava človekove izkušnje, ki vplivata na posameznika tako fizično, čustveno, duševno, kognitivno ter duhovno. Fokus besedila je predvsem na odnosu, ki ga imata travma in meditacija, natančneje, kako je meditacija povezana s travmo, njenimi simptomi in posledicami. Zapisano delo torej zajema opredelitev in razlago travme, njen vpliv na posameznika, na človekove možgane ter kako vpliva na kognitivne funkcije: koncentracije, spomina in učenja. Prav tako vsebuje opredelitev pojma meditacije, njenih vrst ter vplivov na človeka, možgane in že omenjene kognitivne funkcije. Nato predstavimo raziskovalni del, kjer smo si postavili raziskovalna vprašanja, kot so: kako meditacija vpliva na posledice travme, kako meditacija vpliva na koncentracijo, spomin in učenje, kako lahko meditacija vpliva na simptome travme, ki se kažejo na kognitivnih funkcijah in podobno. S pomočjo kvazi-eksperimenta smo preverili hipoteze. Za potrebe eksperimenta smo ustvarili šesttedenski program meditacije ter na ta program povabili udeležence. Program je zaključilo šest udeležencev (n=6), s povprečno starostjo 21,7 let. Podatke smo zbirali s pomočjo pol-strukturiranih intervjujev pred in po programu. Z analizo vsebine in fenomenološko metodo smo preverili intervjuje in pridobili rezultate. Ugotovili smo, da meditacija vpliva predvsem na doživljanje stresa in neprijetnih občutkov, le-te lajša in pomaga regulirati, vpliva tudi na boljšo kakovost in dolžino koncentracije ter olajša pomnjenje in učenje. S tem lahko sklepamo, da pomaga tudi pri razreševanju teh simptomov travme. Raziskava je kvalitativna, zato je ne moremo posplošiti, kljub temu pa menimo, da je doprinesla vpogled v obravnavano tematiko.

Keywords:travma, meditacija, vpliv meditacije na travmo, koncentracija, spomin, učenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160666 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Title:Effects of meditation on trauma and traumatic experiences
Trauma and meditation are complex phenomena of the human experience that affect the individual physically, emotionally, mentally, cognitively and spiritually. The focus of the text is primarily on the relationship that trauma and meditation have, more specifically how meditation affects trauma, its symptoms and consequences. This text therefore covers the definition and interpretation of trauma, its impact on humans and the human brain, how it affects cognitive functions: concentration, memory and learning. It also contains a definition of the concept of meditation, its types and the effects on the person, the brain and the aforementioned cognitive functions. Then we present the research part, where we asked research questions such as: how meditation affects the consequences of trauma, how meditation affects concentration, memory and learning, how meditation can affect the symptoms of trauma, which are manifested in cognitive functions and the like. We tested the hypotheses with the help of a quasi-experiment. For the needs of the experiment, we created a six-week meditation program and invited participants to attend. The program was completed by six participants (n=6), with an average age of 21.7 years. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews before and after the program. Through content analysis and the phenomenological method, we analyzed the interviews and obtained results. We found that meditation mainly affects the experience of stress and unpleasant feelings, it relieves them and helps to regulate them. It also promotes a better quality and length of concentration, and facilitates better memorization and learning. From this we can conclude that it also helps to resolve these symptoms of trauma. The research is qualitative, so we cannot generalize it, but nevertheless we believe that it has contributed insight into the topic under discussion.

Keywords:trauma, meditation, effect of meditation on trauma, concentration, memory, learning

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