
Dota in sklepanje zakonske zveze na Jadranu v srednjem veku : magistrsko delo
ID Tušar, Matej (Author), ID Mlacović, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi sem primerjal in analiziral doto ter ženitvene pogodbe na Jadranu v 13. in 14. stoletju. Natančneje sem se osredotočil na Istro in Dalmacijo, za primerjavo pa sem dodal še beneško prakso in pravo v povezavi z doto. V delu sem se ukvarjal predvsem s statuti in notarskimi knjigami dalmatinskih ter istrskih mest, pa tudi z že opravljenimi raziskavami. Koncept dote se je v srednjem veku razlikoval od regije do regije, celo od mesta do mesta. Na splošno je bila dota imetje, dano ob poroki, največkrat pa je vsebovala denar, premičnine (infra domus), redkeje tudi nepremičnine, predvsem hiše, vinograde in vrtove. Dota je imela za srednjeveško družbo severnega Jadrana tri glavne namene, ki niso vedno obstajali hkrati: lahko je služila kot način prenosa dela dediščine na hčer, lahko je nudila socialno skrb za ženske, ali pa je možu služila kot sredstvo za nove poslovne podvige. Od časa in prostora je bilo odvisno, komu je dota pripadala in do kakšne mere je oseba lahko razpolagala s premoženjem. De facto je z doto navadno upravljal mož. Na drugi strani je poslovna svoboda ženske pogosto sovpadala z družbeno potrebo po ženskem delu. Tako so imele v Piranu in Istri ženske, ki so se poročile po načelu "kot brat in sestra", načeloma boljši položaj kot ženske v dalmatinskih mestih ter v Benetkah.

Keywords:dota, ženitveno pravo, Dalmacija, Istra, srednji vek
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Tušar
Number of pages:153 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160652 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206562563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Dowry and marriage in the Adriatic in the Middle Ages
In my master's thesis, I compared and analyzed dowries and marriage contracts in the Adriatic region during the 13th and 14th centuries. I specifically focused on Istria and Dalmatia, and for comparison, I also included Venetian practices and laws related to dowries. My work primarily dealt with the statutes and notarial books of Dalmatian and Istrian towns, as well as with existing research. The concept of dowry in the Middle Ages varied from region to region, even from town to town. Generally, a dowry consisted of property given upon marriage, most often including money, movable goods (infra domus), and less frequently, real estate such as houses, vineyards, and gardens. For the medieval society of the northern Adriatic, dowries had three main purposes, which did not always exist simultaneously: they could serve as a means of transferring part of the inheritance to the daughter, provide social security for women, or serve as a resource for the husband’s new business ventures. Depending on the time and place, it varied to whom the dowry belonged and to what extent a person could dispose of the property. De facto, the dowry was usually managed by the husband. On the other hand, women’s business freedom often coincided with the social need for women’s work. Thus, women in Piran and Istria, who married under the principle "as brother and sister," generally had a better position than women in Dalmatian towns and Venice.

Keywords:dowry, marriage law, Dalmatia, Istria, Middle Ages

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