
Prevajanje otroške literature iz slovenščine v francoščino na primeru slikanice Pasji zakaji Lile Prap in prevoda Pourquoi les chiens se reniflent-ils les fesses ? Mathiasa Rambauda
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Osrednji namen magistrskega dela je raziskati izzive pri prevajanju otroške književnosti na primeru slikanice Lile Prap z naslovom Pasji zakaji in njenega francoskega prevoda Pourquoi les chiens se reniflent-ils les fesses ?, katerega avtor je Mathias Rambaud. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili temeljne poglede na otroško književnost in prevajanje slikanic ter podrobno orisali zgodovinski razvoj otroške književnosti na Slovenskem s posebnim poudarkom na slikanici. Prav tako smo spregovorili o avtorici, o njenem pisateljskem in ilustratorskem delu ter o njenem uspehu v tujini, posebno na Japonskem, kjer so njeni ilustrirani liki zaživeli v povsem novi podobi, ki seže onkraj slikanice. Nato smo predstavili izbrano slikanico in njen prevod ter izpostavili njune ključne vsebinske in oblikovne lastnosti. V empiričnem delu smo opravili podrobno prevodoslovno usmerjeno kontrastivno analizo, v kateri smo primerjali prevajalčeve prevodne rešitve z izvirnikom. Naslonili smo se na teoretične izsledke nekaterih vodilnih prevodoslovcev in ustvarili šifrant, s katerim smo zabeležena opažanja razporedili v (pod)kategorije. Da bi čim bolje zaobjeli vse prevodne strategije, smo njihovo terminologijo nekoliko prilagodili zabeleženim primerom. V empiričnem delu smo opazovali predvsem različne prevodne rešitve, ki jih je kombiniral prevajalec, in oblikovne spremembe, do katerih je prišlo v prevodu. Raziskava je pokazala, da si je prevajalec prizadeval ustvariti karseda naraven, avtentičen in lepo berljiv prevod, ki mladim bralcem daje občutek, da gre za izvorno francosko delo in ne prevod. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da je bila glavna struktura slikanice upoštevana tudi v prevodu, a je prišlo do manjših odmikov, kot so uporaba drugačnega fonta ter načina pisave in različna razporeditev besedila in odstavkov. Po podrobnem pregledu že obstoječih virov s tega področja smo zaključili, da je prevajanje otroške literature precej kompleksnejše, kot se morda zdi na prvi pogled.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:otroška literatura, slikanica, prevajanje, Lila Prap, slovenščina, francoščina
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160648 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:206286595 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:02.09.2024
Število ogledov:208
Število prenosov:36
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Translating Children’s Literature from Slovene into French: A Case Study of the Picture Book Pasji zakaji by Lila Prap and its French translation Pourquoi les chiens se reniflent-ils les fesses ? by Mathias Rambaud
The main purpose of this master’s thesis is to explore the challenges of translating children’s literature using the example of the picture book Pasji zakaji by Lila Prap and its French translation Pourquoi les chiens se reniflent-ils les fesses ? by Mathias Rambaud. The theoretical part illustrates some key views on children’s literature and the translation of picture books, providing a detailed insight into the historical development of children’s literature in Slovenia whilst paying special attention to picture books. The study also introduces the author, her work as a writer and illustrator as well as her success in Japan where her illustrated characters were brought to life in a completely new form that goes beyond picture books. Finally, we also describe the picture book in question and its translation, highlighting their key characteristics in terms of content and form. In the empirical part, a thorough translation-oriented contrastive analysis was carried out to compare the translator’s solutions with the original text. We drew on the theoretical insights of some of the leading translation scholars and codified the recorded observations into (sub)categories. As our aim was to capture all translation strategies as well as possible, we adapted their terminology to our examples. The empirical part focused on the different translation solutions used by the translator and the form changes that took place in the translation. The study has shown that the translator has endeavoured to produce a translation that is as natural, authentic and readable as possible, giving the young audience the feeling that they are reading an original French text and not a translation. We have also found that the main structure of the picture book has been retained in the translation, albeit with some minor variations, namely the use of a different font and writing style and a different arrangement of text and paragraphs. After reviewing the available sources on this topic, we have come to the conclusion that translating children’s literature is much more complex than it may seem at first glance.

Ključne besede:children’s literature, picture book, translation, Lila Prap, Slovene, French

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