
Vloga in pomen pooblaščenih investicijskih skladov v slovenski privatizaciji : diplomsko delo
ID Bojc, Janez (Author), ID Repe, Božo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Preobrazba nekdanjih socialističnih držav iz skoraj v celoti državnega lastništva v skoraj v celoti privatno lastništvo je eden od ključnih dogodkov v ekonomski zgodovini. Za razliko od večine drugih socialističnih držav se je privatizacija v Sloveniji vršila z modelom, v katerem sta bili enakovredni komponenti množična (certifikatska) privatizacija in menedžersko delavski odkup. V okviru množične privatizacije so imele pooblaščene privatizacijske družbe (PID), katerih vloga in pomen sta predmet te diplomske naloge, najpomembnejšo vlogo. Ta vse do sedaj ni bila zadostno raziskana v strokovni javnosti. Zato so splošne, javne ocene prispevka PID v slovenski privatizaciji posplošene in po večini močno negativne. Diplomska naloga skuša na enem mestu zbrati in analitično obdelati vse najpomembnejše podatke povezane z ustanavljanjem, delovanjem in preoblikovanjem PID-ov. Le te pa kronološko umesti v proces tranzicije in jih presoja glede na njihov prispevek pri uresničevanju strateških in specifičnih ciljev snovalcev tranzicijsko - privatizacijskih procesov v Sloveniji. PID-i so kot najpomembnejši del množične privatizacije prispevali k učinkovitejši lastniški in korporacijski strukturi podjetij in s tem k hitrejši vzpostavitvi tržnega gospodarstva. Prav tako so odigrali zelo pozitivno vlogo v razvoju trga kapitala. Njihov doprinos k zagotovitvi pravične razdelitve družbene lastnine je spričo vrste objektivnih razlogov pojasnjenih v nalogi izostal, ali se celo sprevrgel v močno negativnega zaradi nekaterih javnosti znanih deviantnih primerov. Diplomska naloga je sicer osredotočena na obdobje med leti 1994 - 2004, torej med letoma ustanovitve in formalne ukinitve PID-ov. Z namenom pojasnitve družbeno-ekonomskih razmer in dolgoročnih posledic delovanja PID, pa delno posega tudi v obdobje pred in po tem obdobju. Poleg samih PID-ov so predmet proučevanja tudi nekatere inštitucije, ki so tesno povezane s samim delovanjem PID-ov, kot so družbe za upravljanje (DZU), Agencija za trg vrednostnih papirjev (ATVP) in borza.

Keywords:pooblaščene investicijske družbe (PID), družbe za upravljanje (DZU), množična privatizacija, certifikati, voucherji, privatizacijski primanjkljaj
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Bojc
Number of pages:74 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160645 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207069187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The role and importance of authorised investment funds in Slovenian privatisation
The transformation of former socialist countries from almost entirely state ownership to almost entirely private ownership is one of the key events in economic history. Unlike most other socialist countries, privatisation in Slovenia was carried out using a model in which mass (certificate) privatisation and management and employee buyout were equal components. In the context of mass privatisation, the most important role was played by the authorised privatisation funds (PIDs), whose role and importance are the subject of this thesis. This has not been sufficiently explored by the professional community until now. As a result, the general, public assessments of the contribution of PIDs to Slovenian privatisation are generalised and, for the most part, strongly negative. The thesis aims to collect and analyse in one place all the most relevant data related to the establishment, operation and transformation of PIDs. It places them chronologically in the process of transition and assesses them in terms of their contribution to the strategic and specific objectives of the designers of the transition and privatisation processes in Slovenia. As the most important part of mass privatisation, PIDs contributed to a more efficient ownership and corporate structure of companies and thus to a faster establishment of a market economy. They also played a very positive role in the development of the capital market. Their contribution to ensuring a fair distribution of social property has, for several objective reasons explained in the thesis, been neglected or even turned strongly negative because of some publicly known deviant cases. The thesis is focused on the period 1994-2004, i.e. the years between the establishment and the formal abolition of the PIDs. In order to clarify the socio-economic situation and the long-term consequences of the PIDs, it also party focuses on the period before and after the PIDs. In addition to the PIDs themselves, some institutions closely linked to the PIDs functioning, such as the DZU, Securities Market Agency (ATVP) and the stock exchange, are also the subject of the study.

Keywords:Authorised Investment Funds (PIDs), Management Companies (DZUs), mass privatisation, certificates, vouchers, privatisation deficit

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