
Oblikovanje arhitekturnega vodnika po Ljubljani s fotografijami in ilustracijami
ID Puc, Sabrina (Author), ID Beja, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bila raziskava temeljnih oblikovalskih smernic, ki so ključnega pomena pri oblikovanju celostne poučne turistične zgibanke – vodnika, skupaj z vsemi njenimi grafičnimi elementi. Poleg tega smo opravili pregled in analizo trenutno dostopnih turističnih tiskovin v Ljubljani. Na podlagi ugotovitev smo načrtovali, oblikovali ter izdelali informativno in likovno privlačno zgibanko. Ta bo bralcem s pomočjo ilustriranega zemljevida, besedila in fotografij na zanimiv način predstavila izbrane arhitekturne znamenitosti Ljubljane. V teoretičnem delu smo raziskali različne vrste in oblike turističnih tiskovin ter se vprašali, zakaj so tiskovine v današnjem digitalnem svetu še vedno aktualne in uporabne. Ustvarili smo pregled najpomembnejših smernic, ki bistveno vplivajo na uspešnost končnega grafičnega izdelka. Podrobneje smo se osredotočili na določitev pravilnega formata, hierarhijo informacij, prelome, tipografijo in barve. Zanimali so nas tudi vloga uporabe podob v grafičnem oblikovanju, smernice izdelave ilustriranih zemljevidov in napotki za uspešno fotografiranje arhitekturnih objektov. V eksperimentalnem delu smo pred začetkom oblikovanja opravili pregled obstoječih turističnih tiskovin v Ljubljani. Določili smo tri zgibanke, ki so bile po obsegu vsebine, tematiki, obliki ali oblikovanju najbolj podobne našemu načrtovanemu vodniku in jih podrobneje analizirali. Glavni cilj magistrskega dela je bil oblikovati zgibanko, ki bo obiskovalce Ljubljane poučila o njenih arhitekturnih znamenitostih. To smo storili s povzetkom informacij, ki smo jih pridobili skozi to analizo in raziskavo. V praktičnem delu smo začeli z načrtovanjem zgibanke. Določili smo obliko, vizualni izgled in vsebino svojega vodnika, ilustrirali vključen zemljevid in posneli fotografije vseh predstavljenih arhitekturnih znamenitosti. Potek svojega dela ob izdelavi teh grafičnih elementov smo natančno opisali in pojasnili v eksperimentalnem delu. V rezultatih smo predstavili končne grafične elemente, ustvarjene v eksperimentalnem delu magistrskega dela, ter končno podobo natisnjene zgibanke, ki smo jo poimenovali »Arhitekturni potep po Ljubljani«.

Keywords:arhitekturna fotografija, grafični elementi, grafično oblikovanje, ilustrirani zemljevidi, turistične tiskovine, zgibanke
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160599 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Design of architectural guide of Ljubljana with photographs and illustrations
The purpose of the master's thesis was to explore the fundamental design guidelines that are crucial in creating a comprehensive educational tourist pamphlet, along with all its graphic elements. Additionally, we conducted a review and analysis of currently available tourist publications in Ljubljana. Based on our findings, we planned, designed, and created an informative and aesthetically appealing pamphlet. With the help of an illustrated map, text descriptions and photographs, this brochure will showcase selected architectural landmarks of Ljubljana in an interesting and engaging way. In the theoretical part we looked at various types and forms of tourist publications, and questioned why they remain relevant and useful in today's digital world. We provided an overview of the most important design guidelines that significantly impact the success of the final graphic product. We delved deeper into the selection of the right format, information hierarchy, layouts, typography, and colours. We also explored the role of imagery in graphic design, guidelines for creating illustrated maps, and tips for successful architectural photography. In the experimental part, before beginning the design process, we conducted a review of existing tourist publications in Ljubljana. We selected three pamphlets that were most similar to our planned guide in terms of content amount, theme, format or design, then analysed them in detail. The main objective of the master's thesis was to create a brochure that would educate visitors about the architectural landmarks of Ljubljana. We achieved this by utilizing the information gathered through analysis and research, and in the practical part we began planning the brochure. We determined the format, visual appearance, and content of our guide, illustrated the included map, and photographed all the presented architectural landmarks. We meticulously described and explained the process of creating all the used graphic elements in the experimental part. In the results, we presented the final graphic elements created in the experimental part of the thesis, along with the printed brochure's final design, which we named “Arhitekturni potep po Ljubljani”.

Keywords:architectural photography, graphic design, graphic elements, illustrated maps, pamphlet, tourist prints

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