
Uporaba dodatka kaljenih zrn pri pripravi pekovskih izdelkov
ID Recer Ajdič, Lina (Author), ID Požrl, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bertoncelj, Jasna (Comentor)

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Namen naloge je bil ovrednotiti, kako vrsta in delež dodatka kaljenih, pasteriziranih zrn vplivata na tehnološke, senzorične in prehranske lastnosti kruha. Pripravili smo vzorce kruha z dodatkom 30 % ali 60 % kaljenih in pasteriziranih zrn pire, ajde, ovsa ali mešanice vseh treh vrst. Kruh brez dodanih zrn je predstavljal kontrolni vzorec. Vzorcem kruha smo določili vsebnost vode, jim izmerili specifični volumen, barvo skorje, jih senzorično ocenili, ovrednotili teksturne lastnosti sredice ter določili vsebnost skupnih fenolnih spojin in antioksidativni potencial v sredici in skorji. Dodatek kaljenih zrn je pripomogel k večji vsebnosti vode, vendar razlike niso bile statistično značilne. Specifični volumen vzorcev kruha se je manjšal sorazmerno s količino dodatka zrn. Količina dodatka kaljenih zrn je vplivala tudi na intenziteto obarvanosti skorje, ki je bila najintenzivnejša pri vzorcu s 60 % dodatkom kaljene ajde, medtem ko je bila barva skorje najbolj podobna kontroli pri kruhu s 30 % dodatkom kaljenega ovsa. Najboljšo skupno senzorično oceno sta prejela vzorca kruha s 30 % dodatkom ovsa oz. ajde, najslabšo pa kruh s 60 % dodatka pire. S časom se je povečevala trdota in gumijavost kruha, medtem ko sta se zmanjševali kohezivnost in elastičnost. Sprememba trdote med staranjem kruha je bila najbolj intenzivna pri kontrolnem kruhu, najmanj pa pri kruhu s 60 % dodatkom mešanice kaljenih zrn. Vsebnost skupnih fenolnih spojin in antioksidativni potencial v skorji in sredici vzorcev kruha sta se povečala sorazmerno z deležem dodatka kaljenih zrn. Najboljše prehranske lastnosti smo določili pri kruhu s 60 % dodatkom kaljene ajde. Z uporabo dodatka kaljenih zrn lahko pripravimo funkcionalne pekovske izdelke, ki so tudi tehnološko in senzorično sprejemljivi.

Keywords:pekovski izdelki, kruh, kaljena zrna, pira, ajda, oves, tehnološke lastnosti, senzorične lastnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[L. Recer Ajdič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160553 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206033155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Use of germinated grains supplement for the bakery products preparation
The aim of the thesis was to evaluate how the type and proportion of added sprouted, pasteurized grains affect the technological, sensory and nutritional properties of bread. We prepared samples of bread with addition of 30 % or 60 % pasteurized grains of spelt, buckwheat, oats or a mixture of all three varieties. Bread without added grains was the control sample. We measured the content of water, the specific volume, the color of the crust, evaluated sensory characteristics of the bread, the texture of the core, as well as the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in the core and crust. The addition of grains increased the water content. The highest water content had the samples with the addition of buckwheat grains. The specific volume of bread samples decreases in direct proportion to the amount of added grains. The amount of added sprouted grains also influenced the intensity of the color of the crust, which was most intense in the sample with 60 % addition of sprouted buckwheat, while the color of the crust was most similar to the control in bread with 30 % addition of sprouted oats. The best overall sensory score was given to bread samples with 30 % oat or buckwheat addition, and the worst to bread with 60 % addition of sprouted spelt. Hardness and gumminess increased over time, while cohesiveness and resilience decreased. The change in hardness during bread aging was most intense in control bread, the least in bread with 60 % addition of grain mixture. The content of phenolic compounds and the antioxidant potential in crumb and crust of the samples increased in proportion to the proportion of added sprouted grains. The best nutritional properties were determined for bread with 60 % addition of sprouted buckwheat. With addition of sprouted grains, we can prepare functional bakery products that are also technologically and sensory acceptable.

Keywords:bakery products, bread, sprouted grains, spelt, buckwheat, oats, technological properties, sensory properties

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