
Kaj mi (ne) pomaga preživeti: vračanje k uporabniški perspektivi : diplomsko delo
ID Fras, Sara (Author), ID Urek, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Škraban, Juš (Comentor)

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Kot oseba z lastno izkušnjo samomorilnosti sem ob prebiranju strokovne literature o tem, kako pristopati k ljudem, ki se soočajo s samomorilnostjo, ugotovila, da zame ti pristopi v večini niso primerni. Vprašala sem se, kaj mi (ne) pomaga preživeti. Na podlagi tega vprašanja sem se odločila raziskovati samomorilnost med mladimi. Ne trdim, da so rezultati strokovnih raziskav napačni, menim pa, da jih nikakor ne smemo posploševati. Verjamem, da je potrebno pri raziskovanju potreb ljudi v samomorilni krizi izhajati iz posameznika s prvoosebno izkušnjo samomorilnosti, kar pomeni, da je pomembno v raziskavah delovati v skladu z načeli uporabniške perspektive. V diplomskem delu se osredotočam na prvoosebne izkušnje mladih, ki so se soočali ali se še soočajo s samomorilnostjo in so doživeli akutno samomorilno krizo. Vprašam se, kakšne potrebe in želje so prepoznali v času akutne samomorilne krize, kakšno in čigavo pomoč so takrat prejeli ter kako so prejeto pomoč vrednotili. V prvem delu diplomskega dela opredelim samomorilnost s strokovnega vidika kot večplasten fenomen in definiram samomorilni proces. Nadaljujem s primerjavo suicidoloških in fenomenoloških pogledov ter se opredelim za slednjega. Nato z vidika strokovnjakov iz izkušenj predstavim pojma krize in samomorilne krize. Osredotočim se še na to, kako izgleda doživljanje samomorilnosti s perspektive ljudi, ki smo jo prvoosebno izkusili. Zatem zapišem usmeritve za pomoč ljudem v samomorilni krizi. V naslednjem podpoglavju poudarim pomen uporabniške perspektive v socialnem delu ter pri tem izpostavim moč uporabniškega raziskovanja. Posebej opišem vlogo raziskovalca z osebno izkušnjo, saj sem raziskovanje vodila kot oseba s prvoosebno izkušnjo samomorilnosti. Izvedla sem kvalitativno uporabniško raziskavo. Opravila sem intervjuje z mladimi ženskami, ki so se prvoosebno soočile z akutno samomorilno krizo, pri čemer sem se ravnala po konceptu uporabniške perspektive. Najpomembnejši sklepi raziskave so, da so ljudje v času akutne krize zmožni izraziti svoje potrebe in želje, da se potrebe in želje različnih posameznikov med seboj pomembno razlikujejo in je zato pomembno tudi, da ponudimo ljudem v stiski različne oblike pomoči v skladu z njihovimi željami. Raziskava je namenjena predvsem vsem s prvoosebno izkušnjo samomorilnosti in vsem, ki so kakorkoli vključeni v proces pomoči ljudem v samomorilni krizi. Ljudem z osebno izkušnjo samomorilnosti poskuša potrditi legitimnost njihovega doživljanja in predstaviti različne možnosti pomoči, ki jim lahko pomagajo preživeti. Ostale ljudi lahko raziskava spodbudi, da pristopijo k ljudem v stiski z vprašanji o tem, kaj doživljajo, kaj potrebujejo in česa ne želijo.

Keywords:samomorilnost, akutna samomorilna kriza, potrebe med samomorilno krizo, pomoč v samomorilni krizi, uporabniška perspektiva, uporabniško raziskovanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Fras]
Number of pages:71 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160541 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:210995459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:What does (not) help me survive: Coming back to user perspective : diplomsko delo
As someone with personal experience of suicidality, I found that the approaches suggested in professional literature on how to help individuals facing suicidality were often not suitable for me. This led me to question what helps or does not help me survive. Based on this question, I decided to explore suicidality among young people. I do not claim that the results of professional research are incorrect, but I believe that they should not be generalized. I advocate for research into the needs of people in suicidal crises to be based on individuals with first-person experiences of suicidality, aligning with the principles of user perspective. In my graduation thesis, I focus on the first-person experiences of young individuals who have faced or are still facing suicidality and have gone through acute suicidal crisis. I investigate the needs and desires they recognized during their acute suicidal crises, the type and source of help they received, and how they evaluated the help they were given. In the first part of the thesis, I define suicidality from a professional standpoint as a multifaceted phenomenon and delineate the suicidal process. I continue with a comparison of suicidological and phenomenological perspectives, opting for the latter. I then introduce the concepts of crisis and suicidal crisis from the perspective of experts with lived experience. I also focus on what the experience of suicidality looks like from the perspective of those who have experienced it first-hand. Subsequently, I outline guidelines for helping individuals in a suicidal crisis. In the next subchapter, I emphasize the importance of the user perspective in social work, highlighting the power of user research. I specifically describe the role of the researcher with personal experience, as I conducted the research as a person with first-hand experience of suicidality. I carried out a qualitative user-led research, conducting interviews with young women who had personally faced acute suicidal crises. I followed the concept of the user perspective throughout. The most important conclusions of the research state that individuals in acute crises are capable of expressing their needs and desires, that these needs and desires vary significantly among different individuals, and therefore, it is crucial to offer diverse forms of help in accordance with their wishes. This research is intended for those with first-person experiences of suicidality and for anyone involved in helping people in suicidal crises. It aims to validate the experiences of people with personal histories of suicidality and present various forms of assistance that can help them survive. Additionally, it can encourage others to approach individuals in distress by asking about their experiences, needs, and what they do not want.

Keywords:suicidality, acute suicidal crisis, needs during a suicidal crisis, help during a suicidal crisis, user perspective, user/survivor research

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