
Marketinške strategije spodbujanja trajnostne potrošnje tekstilnih izdelkov
ID Kudryashova, Elizaveta (Author), ID Burger, Anže (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava trajnostno potrošnjo in trajnostni marketing v tekstilni industriji, s poudarkom na marketinških strategijah in praksah spodbujanja trajnostne potrošnje. Raziskovalni problem se osredotoča na vpliv trajnostnih praks na poslovanje podjetij in potrošniške navade. Cilj je preučiti, kako trajnostni marketing lahko spodbuja trajnostno potrošnjo, ter identificirati ključne izzive in priložnosti pri izvajanju trajnostnih marketinških strategij. Metode dela vključujejo pregled relevantne strokovne literature, analizo sekundarnih virov ter empirično raziskavo, študijo primera. Raziskovano podjetje (Zadruga Zoofa, z. o. o.) je izbrano zaradi svojega trajnostnega poslovnega modela. Ključne ugotovitve raziskave kažejo, da s pomočjo marketinške strategije spodbujena trajnostna potrošnja zmanjšuje negativne vplive na okolje, spodbuja ekonomski razvoj in izboljšuje družbeno blaginjo. Raziskava identificira tudi ključne ovire, kot so visoki stroški trajnostnih materialov in potreba po vzgoji in izobraževanju potrošnikov. Ugotovitve tako kažejo, da marketinške strategije za učinkovito spodbujanje trajnostne potrošnje tekstilnih izdelkov vsebujejo naslednje ključne elemente: stalno izobraževanje in ozaveščanje potrošnikov, uporaba trajnostnih materialov in brezčasnih modnih konceptov, možnost popravila in tako podaljševanje življenjske dobe izdelka ter spodbujanje lokalne proizvodnje. Predlogi za nadaljnje raziskave vključujejo širšo empirično raziskavo, dolgotrajno spremljanje učinkov trajnostnih praks in analizo vpliva politike na trajnostno poslovanje. Raziskava prispeva k boljšemu razumevanju koncepta trajnostnega marketinga za spodbujanje trajnostne potrošnje ter spodbuja nadaljnji razvoj trajnostnih praks v tekstilni industriji.

Keywords:trajnostno trženje, trajnostna potrošnja, hitra moda, marketinške strategije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160538 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Marketing Strategies to Promote Sustainable Consumption of Textile Products
This paper studies sustainable consumption and sustainable marketing in the textile industry, with a focus on marketing strategies and practises to promote sustainable consumption. The goal of the paper is to study how sustainable marketing may promote sustainable consumption and identify key challenges. Work methods include a review of relevant professional literature, analysis of secondary sources and empirical case study. Company studied (Zoofa Zadruga) was selected for its sustainable business model. Key findings show that sustainable consumption promoted through a marketing strategy reduces negative impacts on the environment, promotes economic development and improves social well-being. Furthermore, the research identifies key obstacles, such as high costs of sustainable materials and the need for consumer education. The findings show that marketing strategies to effectively promote sustainable consumption of textile products consist of the following key elements: constant consumer education and awareness-raising, the use of sustainable materials and timeless fashion concepts, the possibility to repair and thus prolong product life cycle and the promotion of local production. Suggestions for further research include broader empirical research, long-term monitoring of effects of sustainable practices and an analysis of the effects policies have on sustainable business. The research improves the understanding of the concept of sustainable marketing to promote sustainable consumption and facilitates further development of sustainable practices in the textile industry.

Keywords:sustainable marketing, sustainable consumption, fast fashion, marketing strategies

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