
Vpliv značilnosti programov zvestobe na čustveno in vedenjsko zvestobo – primer kartic zvestobe trgovcev na slovenskem trgu : diplomsko delo
ID Kosec, Tina (Author), ID Tuškej Lovšin, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Programi zvestobe so postali eno ključnih orodij za podjetja, da obdržijo obstoječe kupce, pritegnejo pozornost in privabijo nove kupce, povečujejo zvestobo blagovni znamki in spodbujajo ponovne nakupe. Ta študija preučuje vpliv treh značilnosti kartic zvestobe (zadovoljstvo uporabnikov s kartico, zaznavanje njene unikatnost in vključenosti uporabnikov v aktivnosti kartice) in njihov vpliv na vedenjsko in čustveno zvestobo trgovcu v maloprodajnem sektorju. S ciljem pojasniti vlogo in pomen različnih značilnosti kartic zvestobe pri grajenju zvestobe trgovcem sem v teoretičnem delu utemeljila programe zvestobe in se posvetila pojasnitvi vloge programov zvestobe pri grajenju zvestobe porabnika. Opozorila sem na njihove učinke na zvestobo porabnikov trgovcem in opravila pregled literature o značilnostih kartic zvestobe, ki lahko vplivajo na zvestobo porabnikov. Teoretični del sem zaključila z izpeljavo ključnih hipotez. V drugem, empiričnem delu sem z lastno kvantitativno raziskavo preverila zastavljene hipoteze. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da imajo vse tri preučevane značilnosti kartic zvestobe relevantno vlogo pri povečevanju zvestobe trgovcu. Ugotovila sem, da ima najmočnejši vpliv na zvestobo anketiranih trgovcu unikatnost kartice zvestobe, zvestobo trgovcu pa povečuje tudi zadovoljstvo s kartico. Čeprav vključenost anketirancev v aktivnosti kartice zvestobe nima neposrednega pozitivnega vpliva na zvestobo trgovcu, povečuje zadovoljstvo, ki nadalje vpliva na zvestobo trgovcu. Zadovoljstvo bo večje tudi, kadar bodo porabniki kartico zvestobe prepoznali kot bolj unikatno od drugih kartic na trgu

Keywords:programi zvestobe, kartica zvestobe, zadovoljstvo, vključenost, unikatnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Kosec
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (81 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160536 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207178755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of the characteristics of loyalty programs on emotional and behavioral loyalty - an example of retail loyalty cards on the Slovenian market
Loyalty programs have become one of the key tools for companies to retain existing customers, attract attention and new customers, increase brand loyalty, and encourage repeat purchases. This study examines the impact of three characteristics of loyalty program cards (satisfaction with the loyalty card, its uniqueness, and user`s engagement in loyalty programme) on behavioural and emotional loyalty to the retail store. To explain the role and importance of various characteristics of loyalty cards in building loyalty to retail stores, I justified loyalty programs in the theoretical part and devoted myself to explaining the role of loyalty programs in building consumer loyalty. I drew attention to their effects on consumer loyalty to retailers and conducted a literature review on the characteristics of loyalty cards that can affect consumer loyalty. I concluded the theoretical part by deriving key hypotheses. In empirical part, I verified the set hypotheses with my quantitative research. The results of the research showed that all three studied characteristics of loyalty cards play a relevant role in increasing loyalty to the retailer. I found that the uniqueness of the loyalty card has the strongest influence on the loyalty of the respondents to the retailer, while satisfaction with the card also increases loyalty to the retailer. Although respondents' involvement in loyalty card activities does not have a direct positive effect on customer`s loyalty to the retail store, it increases satisfaction with the loyalty card, which further affects loyalty to the retailer. Satisfaction with the card will also be greater when consumers recognize the loyalty card as more unique than other cards on the market.

Keywords:loyalty program, loyalty cards, satisfaction, engagement, uniqueness

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