
Kako povečati interes za zbirateljstvo in nakup originalne umetniške grafike? : diplomsko delo
ID Suhy, Mitja (Author), ID Burger, Anže (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem diplomskem delu predstavljam originalno umetniško grafiko v odnosu do negativnih pojavov in zavajanj najrazličnejših oblik množičnega reproduciranja. Pri tem je najpomembnejše spoznanje, da je avtorjeva ročno izdelana grafična plošča-matrica ključna pri zagotavljanju kakovostne likovne realizacije. Da sem se lahko približal vprašanju, kako povečati interes za zbirateljstvo in nakup originalne umetniške grafike, sem se moral najprej poglobiti v strokovna znanja številnih strokovnjakov, ki so pisali o marketingu umetnosti. Pri tem sem ugotovil, da je za obiskovalca razstav in bodočega zbiratelja nujna strast do umetnosti. Le-ta zagotavlja dolgoročno zbirateljstvo, kar je za ustvarjalce umetniških stvaritev nadvse dragoceno. Pri raziskavi našega in tujega okolja sem ugotovil, da so v tujini za promocijo in prodajo originalne grafike ter za določanje cen ključne znane dražbene hiše in ugledne zasebne galerije. Le-te imajo specializirane strokovnjake za posamezna umetnostna obdobja, tako za slikarstvo, grafiko kot kiparstvo. Žal tovrstne prakse v Sloveniji ni. Redke občasne dražbe so izvedene predvsem za humanitarne namene. S primerom dobre prakse iz domačega okolja pa predstavljam način, kako uspešno vzbuditi zanimanje posameznikov za grafično umetnost.

Keywords:originalna umetniška grafika, zbirateljstvo, grafični bienali, marketing umetnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Suhy
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (59 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160531 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206770947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2024
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Title:How to increase interest in collecting and buying original art prints?
In my thesis I present original art graphics in relation to the negative phenomena and misleadings of various forms of mass reproduction. The most important thing here is the realisation that the artist s handmade graphic plate-matrix is the key to ensuring a quality artistic realisation. Being able to understand the expertise of the many scholars who have written on the arts marketing was necessary to enable me to approach the question of how to increase interest in collecting and buying original art prints. In doing so, I realised that a passion for art is essential for the exhibition visitor and the future collector. This is what ensures long-term collecting, which is extremely valuable for the creators of artworks. In my research of our own and foreign environments, I have found that well-known auction houses and reputable private galleries are key to the promotion, sale and pricing of the original prints. These have specialised experts in each art period, for painting, printmaking and sculpture. Unfortunately, this type of practice does not exist in Slovenia. The rare occasional auctions are held mainly for humanitarian purposes. Using an example of good practice from the local environment, I present a way to successfully getting an individual interested in graphic arts.

Keywords:original art print, collecting, graphic biennials, arts marketing

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