
Vpliv staranja prebivalstva na produktivnost dela v podjetjih : delo diplomskega seminarja
ID Koprivec, Lucija (Author), ID Redek, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z napredkom medicine se je pričakovana življenjska doba v zadnjih letih močno povečala, hkrati pa je s spremenjenim pogledom na oblikovanje družine močno upadla stopnja rodnosti. To sta tudi dva glavna vzroka, ki sta privedla do vse starejše družbe ne samo v Sloveniji, ampak v vseh državah razvitega sveta. Temu pojavu smo priča že nekaj desetletij, vendar v prihodnosti na tem področju ne bo drastičnih sprememb. Glavni namen moje diplomske naloge je bilo proučiti, kako staranje vpliva na različne javne izdatke, ki jih v večini primerov povečuje in kakšne posledice ima za delo v podjetjih. Vedno več bo namreč upravičencev do prejemanja pokojnin in vedno manj delovno aktivnega prebivalstva. S starostjo naraščajo tudi tveganja za bolezni in poškodbe, okrevanje po njih pa je daljše. S pomočjo že narejenih raziskav in analiz na to temo, sem prikazala številne posledice staranja ter predstavila izzive in možne ukrepe, s katerimi bi lahko posledice na gospodarstvo nekoliko ublažili. V prihodnosti bo pritisk na javno zdravstvo in pokojninski sistem vedno večji, velike spremembe bodo tudi na trgu dela. S pravočasnim ukrepanjem pa bi lahko ljudem zagotovili uspešno staranje.

Keywords:Slovenija, rodnost, pričakovana življenjska doba, staranje prebivalstva, produktivnost, koeficient starostne odvisnosti
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160530 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205907715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of population aging on labor productivity in companies
With the progress of medicine, life expectancy has greatly increased in recent years, but at the same time, with a hanged view on family formation, the birth rate has fallen sharply. And that’s what they are two main causes that have led to an increasingly elderly society not only in Slovenia but in all countries of the developed world. We have been witnessing this phenomenon for several decades, however, no drastic changes in this area are expected in the future. The main purpose of my thesis was to study how aging affects various public expenditures, which are in most cases increased by it, and what consequences this has for working in companies. Namely, there will be more and more people entitled to receive pensions, while the working population will shrink. The intensity of disease risks and injuries is also increasing, and at the same time, the recovery from them also takes longer. With the help of already done research and analysis on this topic, I showed many results of aging. I presented challenges and possible measures, with which the consequences on the economy could be somewhat mitigated. In the future, the pressure on public healthcare and the pension system will be greater and greater, with big changes coming to the labor market. However, with timely action, people could be assured of successful aging.

Keywords:Slovenia, fertility, life expectancy, population aging, productivity, age dependence coefficient

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