
Nevrogram povrhnjega fibularnega in suralnega živca pri mladih športnikih in ne športnikih : diplomsko delo
ID Šuc, Tjaša (Author), ID Leonardis, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kovačič, Tine (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Pri športnikih lahko pride do utesnitve povrhnjega fibularnega živca, ki oživčuje mišice stranskega dela goleni in kožo na spodnjem stranskem in sprednjem delu goleni in na hrbtišču stopala. Do utesnitve pride zaradi defektov fascije, neposredne kontuzije, trakcijskih poškodb (kroničnega zvina gležnja) ali kompresije zaradi tesno prilegajočih se čevljev. Dolgotrajnejša kompresija pomeni kasnejšo in manj popolno obnovo funkcije ter lahko ovira vrnitev k športu. Nasprotno utesnitev suralnega živca, ki zagotavlja občutek za zadnjo in stransko stran spodnje tretjine noge, stranski gleženj, stransko stran stopala in pete, pri športnikih ni pogosta, saj živec poteka bolj posteriorno. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali obstaja razlika v prevodnosti povrhnjega fibularnega živca pri zdravih mladih odraslih, ki imajo pretežno sedeče življenje, v primerjavi s tistimi, ki se redno ukvarjajo s športom in pri tem nosijo tesno obutev. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 20 zdravih, mladih športnikov (nogometašev) in 23 zdravih, mladih odraslih s pretežno sedečim življenjskim slogom s podobnimi demografskimi podatki. Pri preiskovancih smo opravili elektrofiziološke meritve prevodnosti po povrhnjem fibularnem in suralnem živcu na desnem spodnjem udu. Iz naprave za elektromiografijo smo odčitali amplitudo in latenco nevrogramov ter izračunali prevodno hitrost živcev. Rezultati: Z raziskavo smo dokazali, da so amplitude nevrograma suralnega živca pri športnikih statistično značilno nižje (p = 0,045) od amplitud pri ne športnikih, medtem ko se amplitude nevrograma povrhnjega fibularnega živca (p = 0,0641) in prevodne hitrosti povrhnjega fibularnega (p = 0,891) in suralnega živca (p = 0,123) statistično pomembno ne razlikujejo med skupinama. Pri primerjavi amplitud in prevodnih hitrosti obeh živcev znotraj ene skupine so edino amplitude suralnega živca pri športnikih statistično značilno nižje (p = 0,0064) od amplitud povrhnjega fibularnega živca. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati meritev so znotraj normativnih vrednosti, vendar nižje vrednosti amplitud nevrograma suralnega živca z normalnimi prevodnimi hitrostmi lahko nakazujejo na asimptomatske nevropatije, ali pa so posledica prilagoditve zaradi dolgotrajnega intenzivnega ukvarjanja s športom. Smiselno bi bilo izvesti obsežnejše raziskave o tveganju razvoja periferne nevropatije pri športnikih.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, nogomet, poškodbe živcev, amplituda, prevodna hitrost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Šuc]
Number of pages:27 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160527 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205851651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Sensory nerve conduction studies of the superficial fibular and sural nerve in young athletes and nonathletes : diploma work
Introduction: Athletes may experience compression of the superficial fibular nerve, which innervates the muscles of the lateral part of the leg and the skin on the lower lateral and anterior aspects of the leg and on the dorsal aspect of the foot. Compression occurs due to fascial defects, direct contusion, traction injuries (chronic ankle sprains) or compression from tightly fitting footwear. Prolonged compression results in delayed and incomplete recovery of function and may hinder return to sports. On the contrary, compression of the sural nerve, which provides sensation to the posterior and lateral aspects of the lower third of the leg, lateral ankle, lateral aspect of the foot and heel, is not common in athletes as the nerve runs more posteriorly. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work was to determine if there is a difference in the conductivity of the superficial fibular nerve in healthy young adults with predominantly sedentary lifestyles compared to athletes who wear tight footwear. Methods: The study included 20 healthy young athletes (football players) and 23 healthy young adults with predominantly sedentary lifestyles with similar demographics. Electrophysiological measurements were performed on the superficial fibular and sural nerve on the right lower limb. Amplitude and latency were recorded with the electromyography device, and nerve conduction velocities were calculated. Results: The study demonstrated that amplitudes of the sural nerve of athletes are statistically significantly lower (p = 0.045) than those of non-athletes, while amplitudes of the superficial fibular nerve (p = 0.0641) and nerve conduction velocities of both the superficial fibular (p = 0.891) and sural nerve (p = 0.123) did not significantly differ between the groups. When comparing amplitudes and conduction velocities of both nerves within each group, only the amplitudes of the sural nerve of athletes were statistically significantly lower (p = 0.0064) than those of the superficial fibular nerve. Discussion and conclusion: Our results are within normative values, but athlete’s lower sural nerve amplitudes with normal conduction velocities may indicate asymptomatic neuropathies or adaptation to prolonged intense sports participation. We recommend more extensive research on the risks of developing peripheral neuropathy in athletes.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, soccer, nerve injuries, amplitude, conduction velocity

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