
Izzivi omejevanja digitalnega trženja alkoholnih pijač s pregledom slovenske regulative : magistrsko delo
ID Levičnik, Gorazd (Author), ID Kukec, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Radoš Krnel, Sandra (Comentor), ID Ivanc, Blaž (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Hitra rast sodobnih digitalnih medijev, predvsem družbenih omrežij in platform za izmenjavo slik in videoposnetkov, je alkoholni industriji omogočila uporabo tehnološko naprednih pristopov in strategij za tržno komuniciranje alkoholnih pijač z izbranimi ciljnimi skupinami. To predstavlja vedno večji regulatorni izziv za evropske države, saj večina izmed njih še ni ustrezno prilagodila svojih področnih predpisov. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je bil na podlagi obstoječe znanstvene in strokovne literature preučiti skladnost tržnega komuniciranja alkoholne industrije z regulatornimi omejitvami, ki urejajo področje trženja in oglaševanja alkoholnih pijač v digitalnih medijih, ter pregledati veljavno področno ureditev omejevanja oglaševanja alkoholnih pijač v Sloveniji. Metode dela: Izvedli smo sistematični pregled literature v treh osrednjih bibliografskih bazah z recenziranimi revijami (WoS, PubMed, Scopus) ter ročno iskanje sorodnih avtoritativnih virov. Raziskave smo vključili, v kolikor so bile objavljene v angleškem jeziku, med letoma 2004 ter 2022 in so presojale skladnost digitalnega tržnega komuniciranja alkoholnih pijač z zakonsko regulativo ali samoregulativnimi kodeksi. Ob tem smo preučili in predstavili tudi področno slovensko državno regulativo kot tudi industrijsko samoregulativo. Rezultati: Opredelili smo skupno 4690 člankov. Po odstranitvi dvojnikov in proučitvi polne vsebine je bilo nadalje vključenih 14 raziskav. Ugotovitve raziskave kažejo, da je trženje alkoholnih pijač v različnih digitalnih medijih navkljub tehnološkemu napredku otrokom in mladostnikom še vedno pogosto dostopno. Oglaševalske vsebine alkoholnih pijač in blagovnih znamk na teh platformah ostajajo razširjene, pri čemer se za doseganje ciljnih skupin uporablja vse bolj inovativne pristope. Sistemi za preverjanje starosti so večinoma neučinkoviti pri preprečevanju dostopa mladoletnim osebam. Rezultati prav tako razkrivajo pogoste kršitve oglaševalskih samoregulativnih kodeksov ter uporabo prikritih pristopov za izogibanje obstoječim zakonodajnim predpisom. Slovenija se še vedno opira na več kot dvajset let staro zakonodajo, pristojni nadzorni organi pa imajo omejene zmožnosti za spremljanje in ukrepanje. Razprava in zaključek: Obstaja jasna potreba po razvoju boljše zakonodajne ureditve omejevanja digitalnega tržnega komuniciranja alkoholnih pijač po državah članicah EU. Sprejetje zakonodaje mora biti podkrepljeno s kapacitetami za proaktiven nadzor ter učinkovito ukrepanje zoper kršitve. Po evropskih državah, vključno s Slovenijo, bi bilo treba izvesti nadaljnje raziskave o učinkovitosti obstoječih mehanizmov za omejevanje tržnega komuniciranja alkoholnih pijač na družbenih omrežjih, spletiščih in platformah za izmenjavo slik in videoposnetkov.

Keywords:magistrska dela, sanitarno inženirstvo, alkohol, digitalno, trženje, tržno komuniciranje, regulativa
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Levičnik]
Number of pages:79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160524 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205831939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The challenges of restricting digital alcohol marketing with a review of Slovenian regulation : master thesis
Introduction: The rapid growth of digital media, notably social media, image and video sharing platforms, has created an opportunity for the alcohol industry to employ advanced strategies and alcohol marketing approaches to target key audiences and users. This presents a rising regulatory challenge for European countries, most of which have yet to adapt their restrictions accordingly. Purpose: To examine existing scientific and authoritative grey literature, assessing the alcohol industry’s adherence of digital alcohol marketing communication to contemporary statutory regulation and industry self-regulation, and to provide an overview of existing Slovenian alcohol advertising restrictions. Methods: We conducted a systematic search through three journal databases (WoS, PubMed, Scopus) along with a manual search of other authoritative sources. Studies were included in our review if they were published in English, after 2004, and assessed regulatory policy interventions enacted by an EU or non-EU governing body, nation’s governmental agency or private entity, and with the intent to restrict digital alcohol marketing. In addition, we conducted a manual search of grey literature and examined current Slovenian statutory and self-regulatory alcohol marketing restrictions. Results: A total of 4690 records were identified. After duplicate removal and full text assessment stages, 14 articles were examined in detail. Our findings indicate that alcohol marketing in digital media continues to be accessible by children and under-aged adolescents. Alcohol advertising content remains widespread on these platforms and increasingly innovative strategies are being applied to reach targeted audiences. Age-affirmation systems remain largely ineffective at preventing under-aged access. Current research also reveals cases of violations of marketing codes and self-regulations by the alcohol industry, and utilization of grey-area approaches to bypass existing regulations. Slovenia continues to abide by almost two decades old legislation and relies on an infrequent and inadequate monitoring and enforcement framework. Discussion and conclusion: There is a clear need for the development of statutory digital alcohol marketing restrictions in EU Member-States. Enacted regulation must be accompanied by proactive monitoring capacities and effective means of enforcement. Further research in also needed across European countries, including Slovenia, which would assess the effectiveness of existing regulatory frameworks of digital alcohol marketing practices on social media, websites and image and video sharing platforms.

Keywords:master's theses, sanitary engineering, alcohol, digital, marketing, marketing communication, regulation

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