
Predlog sistema za spremljanje stanja krajine v Sloveniji
ID Brecelj, Klara (Author), ID Golobič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Spreminjanje je temeljna lastnost krajine, spremljanje njenega stanja pa tako predstavlja nujno podlago za utemeljeno odločanje o prostoru ter zgodnje odkrivanje in preprečevanje negativnih trendov. V Sloveniji še nimamo vzpostavljenega sistema, ki bi celovito in dolgoročno spremljal krajino, zato smo v delu zanj pripravili predlog, ki temelji na vrednostnem sistemu družbe. Celovitost sistema smo zagotovili s pokrivanjem vseh treh vidikov krajine. Zgradbo smo obravnavali s kazalniki prostorskega reda, pestrosti in vidne privlačnosti. Pomen smo obravnavali s kazalnikoma kontinuitete rabe in prepoznavnosti, funkcije krajine pa s kazalniki povezljivosti in dostopnosti, odpornosti na motnje ter večfunkcionalnosti. Predlagani sistem, ki vsebuje osemnajst podrejenih kazalnikov, katerih vrednosti smo odčitali na nivoju krajinskih enot, je pretežno osnovan na kazalnikih projekta prenove regionalne razdelitve krajinskih tipov Slovenije in na kazalnikih iz tuje literature. Kazalniki, ki jih v Sloveniji že spremljamo, so se, razen razvrednotenih območij in ogroženosti stavb zaradi poplav, izkazali za manj relevantne. Oblikovali smo sistem, ki vključuje ekspertno in javno mnenje ter na štiri leta uporablja podatke daljinskega zaznavanja, na osem pa tudi terenskih ogledov in javnomnenjskih anket. Ob testnem vrednotenju odčitanih trendov smo ugotovili, da se krajina v obravnavanih krajinskih enotah, kraških in iz vsake druge regije eni vzorčni, ne spreminja enotno. V povprečju se v malo več kot polovici krajinskih enot spreminja v skladu z želenimi trendi.

Keywords:spreminjanje krajine, spremljanje stanja, kazalniki, izbira kazalnikov, vidna podoba krajine, pomen krajine, funkcije krajine
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160519 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206022403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2024
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Title:Landscape Monitoring System Proposal in Slovenia
One of the fundamental characteristics of landscape is change. To discover and prevent negative trends and to make reasoned decisions about landscape, it is therefore crucial to monitor its change. Yet there is no established monitoring system in Slovenia that would monitor landscape thoroughly and in the long term. Therefore, a proposal for the landscape monitoring system based on society’s value system has been designed. To ensure the system is holistic, it covers all three aspects of landscape. The structure of landscape has been addressed with indicators spatial order, diversity and visual attractiveness. To cover the meaning of landscape, indicators land use continuity and place identity are utilized. To cover the functions of landscape, indicators connectivity and accessibility, resistance to hazards and multifunctionality are utilized. The system has been applied to the landscape characteristic units. It contains eighteen subordinate indicators which are predominantly based on indicators from the renewal of Slovenian landscape regionalization and on indicators from foreign literature. The indicators that are already monitored in Slovenia, except for degraded areas and endangered buildings due to flooding, proved to be less relevant. The system includes expert and public opinion, uses data from remote sensing every four years, as well as field surveys and public opinion questionnaires every eight years. Conducting trial evaluation of the trends, we found out that the landscape in the karstic and sample landscape units from other regions does not change uniformly. On average, slightly more than half of the landscape units change in accordance with the desired trends.

Keywords:landscape change, monitoring, indicators, indicator selection, visual structure of landscape, meaning of landscape, landscape functions

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