
Inkluzivna delovna okolja: Pot do uspešne integracije
ID Kraševec, Anja (Author), ID Videmšek, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem se odločila raziskati primer uspešnega vključevanja oseb s posebnimi potrebami v realna delovna okolja v okviru programa socialna vključenost (SVK) Društva za kulturo inkluzije. Teoretični pregled je zajemal različne opredelitve oseb s posebnimi potrebami in pregled zakonodaje, najpomembnejša dokumenta sta bila Zakon o socialnem vključevanju (2019) in Zakon o zaposlitveni rehabilitaciji in zaposlovanju invalidov (2007). Preučila sem pomene in pozitivne učinke vključevanja oseb s posebnimi potrebami v delovna okolja ter ovire, s katerimi se delodajalci soočajo pri tem procesu. Poleg tega sem preučila tuje raziskave in mentorsko vlogo pri podpori osebam s posebnimi potrebami. Raziskava je kvalitativna in empirična, izvedla sem intervjuje z delovnimi mentorji uporabnikov programa SVK. Raziskava je bila usmerjena v spoznavanje poteka vključevanja oseb s posebnimi potrebami (OPP) v delovna okolja ter v vlogo delovnih mentorjev pri tem procesu. S sogovorniki smo govorili o začetku sodelovanja med delodajalci in Društvom za kulturo inkluzije ter o njihovih občutkih ob tem. Razpravljali smo o vključevanju in odnosih med uporabniki in zaposlenimi, še posebej so me zanimala njihova stališča do vključevanja oziroma zaposlovanja oseb s posebnimi potrebami. Posvetila sem se tudi temi mentoriranja oseb s posebnimi potrebami ter potrebi po dodatni podpori in informacijah pred začetkom in med procesom vključevanja oseb s posebnimi potrebami. Rezultati raziskave nakazujejo, da so delovni mentorji prepoznali pomembnost vključevanja oseb s posebnimi potrebami v delovna okolja ter izrazili pozitivne izkušnje in koristi takšnega vključevanja. Hkrati pa so izrazili tudi potrebo po dodatni podpori in različnih oblikah izobraževanja pred začetkom sodelovanja z uporabniki. Z analizo intervjujev sem prišla do zaključkov, da je vključevanje OPP v realna delovna okolja pozitivno vplivalo na stališča delovnih mentorjev, ustvarjanje bolj inkluzivnih okolij ter širjenje socialnih mrež, znanj in izkušenj uporabnikov.

Keywords:osebe s posebnimi potrebami, program socialna vključenost, delovni mentorji, vključevanje v realne delovne okupacije, inkluzija v delovnem okolju.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160501 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Inclusive work environments: the path to successful integration
In my thesis, I decided to explore a successful example of integrating people with special needs into real work environments within the Social Inclusion program of the Association of inclusive culture. The theoretical review covered various definitions of people with special needs and an overview of the legislation, with the most important being the Social Inclusion Act (2019) and the Employment Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Act (2007). I examined the meanings and positive effects of integrating people with special needs into work environments, as well as the obstacles employers face in this process. Additionally, I reviewed foreign research and the mentoring role in supporting people with special needs. The research is qualitative and empirical, and I conducted interviews with work mentors of Social Inclusion program users. The research focused on understanding the process of integrating people with special needs into work environments and the role of work mentors in this process. We discussed the beginning of the collaboration between employers and the Association of inclusive culture and their feelings about it. We talked about the integration and relationships between users and employees, with a particular interest in their attitudes towards the inclusion or employment of people with special needs. I also focused on the topic of mentoring people with special needs and the need for additional support and information before and during the inclusion process. The results of the research indicate that work mentors recognize the importance of integrating people with special needs into work environments and have expressed positive experiences and benefits of such inclusion. At the same time, they expressed the need for additional support and various forms of education before starting to work with users. Through the analysis of the interviews, I concluded that the inclusion of people with special needs in real work environments has had positive effects on the attitudes of work mentors, the creation of more inclusive environments, and the expansion of users' social networks, knowledge, and experiences.

Keywords:people with special needs, Social Inclusion program, work mentors, integration into real work occupations, inclusion in the work environment.

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