
Vloga pevskega zbora pri članih na Društvu paraplegikov ljubljanske pokrajine
ID Staroveški, Sara (Author), ID Gril, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kustec, Klavdija (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu pišem o vlogi pevskega zbora na člane Društva paraplegikov ljubljanske pokrajine. Za temo sem se odločila, ker imam izkušnje sodelovanja v pevskem zboru in zaradi opravljanja prakse v društvu. V teoretičnem uvodu sem prikazala štiri ključna poglavja: umetnost v kontekstu socialnega dela, glasbena terapija in socialno delo, pevski zbor ter učinki pevskega zbora na člane. Društvo paraplegikov ljubljanske pokrajine sestavlja dvanajst članov pevskega zbora in imajo izkušnjo sodelovanja v pevskem zboru vsaj tri mesece. Nekateri člani so osebe z ovirami, medtem ko so ostali člani njihovi osebni asistenti, prijatelji ali sorodniki. Glede na opisano temo je raziskava kvalitativna in empirična. Pri zbiranju podatkov sem izbrala metodo spraševanja. Opravila sem intervjuje z osmimi osebami, ki so bile najbolj dostopne. Intervjuje sem posnela, transkribirala in kvalitativno analizirala z odprtim, osnim in odnosnim kodiranjem, kar je bila podlaga za pisanje rezultatov. Ugotovila sem, da je pevski zbor ustanovila ene oseba, ki si je to zelo želela. Motivi za udeležbo pri članih so različni: druženje, veselje do petja, spoznavanje novih ljudi, učenje in zabava. Pevski zbor so člani opisali kot veliko družino, razvedrilo in uigran tim. Vzdušje v pevskem zboru, na vajah in nastopih je pozitivno, sproščeno in polno humorja. Čeprav se v prostem času ne družijo kot skupina, se je med člani razvila povezanost, ki se kaže skozi prijateljstva, komunikacije po Viberju in skupnih obrokih na vajah. Kljub temu da so nekateri člani ovirani, so vsi enakovredni. Pevski zbor jim omogoča, da pokažejo svoje sposobnosti in pridobivajo sposobnosti (veščina petja, pravilno dihanje, timsko delo, vztrajnost ...). Pevski zbor bogato prispeva k boljšem fizičnem zdravju, dobri volji, izboljšanju samopodobe in samozavesti. Pevski zbor vodi zborovodja, ki izbira repertoar, motivira in razume pevce ter ima dober posluh. Metoda dela socialno delo s skupino je povezana s pevskimi zbori, saj obe poudarjata pomen potreb vsakega člana, skupinske dinamike, ciljev, sprememb in medsebojne podpore v skupini. Pevski zbor omogoča vključevanje oseb z ovirami, krepi njihove socialne mreže in zmanjšuje osamljenost, saj člani postopno vzpostavijo medsebojno podporo in povezanost

Keywords:glasba, glasbena terapija, pevski zbor, socialno delo s skupino, Društvo paraplegikov ljubljanske pokrajine, ljudje z ovirami
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160498 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The role of the choir in the members of the Association of Paraplegics of the Ljubljana Province
In my bachelor’s thesis, I write about the role of the choir in the members of the Ljubljana Provincial Paraplegics Association. I chose this topic because I have experience participating in a choir and because of my internship at this association. In the theoretical introduction, I presented four key chapters: art in the context of social work, music therapy and social work, the choir and the effects of the choir on the members. The population consists of twelve members of the choir at the Association of Paraplegics of the Ljubljana Region who have had the experience of participating in a choir for at least three months. Some of the members are persons with disabilities, while the other members are their personal assistants, friends or relatives. Given the described topic, my research is qualitative and empirical, I chose the method of questioning to collect data, more specifically I interviewed eight people who were most accessible to me. I recorded, transcribed and qualitatively analyzed the interviews using open, axial and relational coding as a basis for writing up the results. I found that the choir was started by one person who wanted to start a choir. Motives for participation from members varied particularly socializing, the joy of singing, meeting new people, learning and having fun. The choir has been described by members as a big family, fun and a good team. The atmosphere in the choir or at rehearsals and performances is positive, relaxed and full of humor. Although they do not socialize as a group outside of rehearsals, a bond has developed between the members which is evident through friendships, within the voices they sing, Viber and shared meals at rehearsals. Despite some having disabilities, all members are equal, or rather the choir allows them to showcase their abilities. The choir provides opportunities to learn skills (singing skills, correct breathing, teamwork, perseverance...) and has a rich contribution that results in better physical health, good mood, improved self-esteem and self-confidence. The choir is led by a choirmaster who chooses the repertoire, motivates and understands the singers, and has a good ear. The social work method of working with the group is also related to choirs, as both emphasize the importance of each member's needs, group dynamics, goals, change and mutual support within the group. The choir facilitates the inclusion of people with disabilities, strengthens their social networks and reduces loneliness as members gradually build mutual support and cohesion

Keywords:music, music therapy, choir, social work with group, Association of Paraplegics of the Ljubljana Region, people with disabilities

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