
Stališča delavcev do pojava tihega odhajanja v delovnem okolju
ID Levpušček, Ana (Author), ID Mesec, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala poglede slovenskih delavcev, organizacijsko kulturo in pojav tihega odhajanja v delovnem okolju. Teoretični del obsega vpogled v oblikovanje organizacijske kulture in njene elemente, definira organizacijsko pripadnost zaposlenih, njihovo zavzetost in motivacijo za delo ter psihosocialna tveganja na delovnem mestu, katerih posledica je tudi tiho odhajanje. Nato opredelim tiho odhajanje, raziščem razširjenost trenda na področju delovnega življenja, razloge za udejanjanje tihega odhajanja in možnosti zmanjševanja tihega odhajanja med zaposlenimi. Ob koncu dodam še pomen skrbi zase na delovnem mestu in vloge socialnega dela v organizaciji. S kvalitativno raziskavo odgovorim na raziskovalna vprašanja o elementih organizacijske kulture v uspešni organizaciji, o pomembnosti vloge delodajalca pri vzdrževanju organizacijske kulture in o izkušnjah delavcev z lastno motiviranostjo za delo. Posvetim se tudi razumevanju tihega odhajanja, pogledom na razširjenost trenda, razlogih zanj in stališču delavcev do (ne)etičnosti tihega odhajanja. Na podlagi odgovorov vzorca 6 udeležencev fokusne skupine sem ugotovila, da so za delavce najpomembnejši elementi organizacijske kulture pristni medsebojni odnosi in spoštljiva komunikacija. Delodajalcu pripisujejo pomembno vlogo pri vzdrževanju dobre organizacijske kulture in enakovredni obravnavi vseh zaposlenih. Med motivatorje za delo so delavci našteli plačo, odnose v organizaciji in oseben strokovni razvoj. Tiho odhajanje so delavci povezovali s slabimi delovnimi razmerami, izgubo motivacije za delo ter odklanjanjem dodatnega dela zaradi skrbi za lastno zdravje. Poudarili so razširjenost trenda in razloge zanj našli tudi v drugačnem dojemanju dela, ki ga imajo mlajše generacije. Za zmanjševanje tihega odhajanja so predlagali prilagoditev potrebam zaposlenih in ustrezno informiranje delavcev. Tiho odhajanje so opredelili kot etično nesporno.

Keywords:organizacijska kultura, psihosocialna tveganja, tiho odhajanje, motivacija, socialno delo v delovnem okolju
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160497 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Employees' Views on the Phenomenon of Quiet Quitting in the Workplace
In my master's thesis, I examined the perspectives of Slovenian employees on organizational culture and the phenomenon of quiet quitting in the workplace. The theoretical part includes an insight into the formation of organizational culture and its elements, defines organizational commitment of employees, their engagement and motivation for work, and the psychosocial risks in the workplace that also result in quiet quitting. I then define quiet quitting, examine the prevalence of this trend in the work environment, the reasons for the manifestation of quiet quitting, and the possibilities of reducing quiet quitting among employees. Finally, I discuss the importance of self-care in the workplace and the role of social work in the organization. With qualitative research, I answer research questions about the elements of organizational culture in a successful organization, the importance of the employer's role in maintaining organizational culture, and employees' experiences of their own work motivation. I also focus on the understanding quiet quitting, perspectives on the prevalence of this trend, the reasons for it, and employees' views on the (un)ethical nature of quiet quitting. Based on the responses of a sample of 6 focus group participants, I found that the most important elements of organizational culture for employees are genuine interpersonal relationships and respectful communication. They attribute an important role to the employer in maintaining a good organizational culture and treating all employees equally. Employees cited salary, relationships within the organization, and personal professional development as motivators for work. They associated quiet quitting with poor working conditions, loss of motivation to work, and refusal to take on additional work out of concern for their own health. They emphasised that this trend is widespread and also saw the reasons for this in the different perception of work by the younger generations. To reduce quiet quitting, they suggested adapting to the needs of employees and providing them with adequate information. They defined quiet quitting as ethically unproblematic.

Keywords:organizational culture, psychosocial risks, quiet quitting, motivation, occupational social work

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