
Otroci s posebnimi potrebami na Osnovni šoli Dobrova
ID Bajc, Marjana (Author), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Otroci s posebnimi potrebami so otroci, ki so nekoliko drugačni od večinskih skupin otrok po socialno-kulturnih, telesnih in osebnostnih značilnostih. Otroci se lahko šolajo v različnih programih, med drugim tudi v redni osnovni šoli, kjer imajo možnost programa s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo ter številne druge prilagoditve za lajšanje učnega procesa. V magistrskem delu podrobneje obravnavam temo otrok s posebnimi potrebami na Osnovni šoli Dobrova. V povezavi z raziskovano tematiko me zanima število otrok s posebnimi potrebami na Osnovni šoli Dobrova ter njihove posebne potrebe, podrobnosti dodatne strokovne pomoči in prilagoditve. Poleg tega me zanima, kako starši otrok s posebnimi potrebami doživljajo postopek prepoznavanja posebnih potreb in postopek usmerjanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami, kako učenci s posebnimi potrebami ter njihovi starši doživljajo načrtovanje in izvedbo dodatne strokovne pomoči ter kako je poskrbljeno za inkluzijo oz. vključenost otrok s posebnimi potrebami v razredno skupnost in kako za to skrbijo strokovni delavci. Želene podatke sem pridobila s pomočjo intervjujev na neslučajnostnem namenskem vzorcu otrok s posebnimi potrebami in na neslučajnostnem priložnostnem vzorcu staršev otrok s posebnimi potrebami in strokovnih delavcev na Osnovni šoli Dobrova. Rezultati so pokazali, da se na izbrani osnovni šoli šola velik delež otrok s posebnimi potrebami, ki so usmerjeni v program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo ter deležni različnih prilagoditev v skladu z njihovo odločbo o usmerjanju. Starši postopek prepoznavanja in usmerjanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami doživljajo zelo različno, prav tako se nekateri lažje soočajo z otrokovo diagnozo, drugim pa je ob tem dejstvu zelo težko. Tako starši kot tudi otroci lahko sodelujejo pri načrtovanju dodatne strokovne pomoči ter sestavi individualiziranega programa, v katerem so zastavljeni različni cilji in dejavnosti. Poleg tega prepoznavajo številne prednosti in slabosti dodatne strokovne pomoči. Otroci s posebnimi potrebami na Osnovni šoli Dobrova so dobro vključeni v razredno skupnost in radi prihajajo v šolo, kljub temu da je večina strokovnih delavcev mnenja, da ni dovolj usposobljena za zagotavljanje inkluzije učencem s posebnimi potrebami. Nenazadnje pa so prav otroci s posebnimi potrebami tisti, ki bogatijo razredno skupnost, kljub temu da je delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami zahtevno delo in za marsikaterega strokovnega delavca predstavlja izziv.

Keywords:posebne potrebe, postopek prepoznavanja in usmerjanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami, dodatna strokovna pomoč in prilagoditve, inkluzija otrok s posebnimi potrebami
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160494 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Children with Special Needs at the Primary School Dobrova
Children with special needs are children who differ slightly from the majority group in terms of socio-cultural, physical and personal characteristics. These children may attend a variety of programmes, including regular primary school programmes, where they have the option of a personalised programme, additional specialist support and a number of other adjustments to facilitate the learning process. This master's thesis focuses on children with special needs at Dobrova Primary School. In connection with the research topic, the thesis further investigates the number of children with special needs at Dobrova Primary School, their special needs, and the details of the additional support and adjustments. In addition, the thesis focuses on how parents of children with special needs experience the identification process and the guidance process for children with special needs, how pupils with special needs and their parents experience the planning and implementation of additional support, and how inclusion of children with special needs in the classroom community is ensured, as well as how this is managed by the professional staff. The necessary data were obtained through interviews with a nonprobability purposive sampling of children with special needs and a nonprobability convenience of parents of children with special needs and professionals at Dobrova Primary School. The results indicate that the selected primary school has a high proportion of special needs children who are referred to a personalised programme with additional professional support and receive various adjustments in accordance with their referral decision. Parents experience the process of identification and guidance of children with special needs very differently, and some parents find it easier to cope with their child's diagnosis, while others find it very difficult. Both parents and children can be involved in planning additional specialist support and in designing an individualised programme with different goals and activities. They also recognise the many advantages and disadvantages of additional support. Children with special needs at Dobrova Primary School are well integrated into the classroom community and enjoy attending school, despite majority of the education staff considering themselves insufficiently qualified to provide inclusion for pupils with special needs. Ultimately, it is children with special needs who enrich the classroom community, in spite of the fact that working with children with special needs is a demanding job and a challenge for many staff members.

Keywords:special needs, identification and guidance process for children with special needs, additional support and adjustments, inclusion of children with special needs

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