
Otrokovo dojemanje lastnega življenjskega sveta: pogovor z otrokom s pomočjo likovno ustvarjalnih tehnik
ID Majcen, Larisa (Avtor), ID Gril, Alenka (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V magistrskem delu predstavljam otrokovo dojemanje lastnega življenjskega sveta in pogovor z otrokom s pomočjo likovno ustvarjalnih tehnik. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila definicije otroštva in pogled na otroštvo skozi čas, otrokov življenjski svet, značilnosti pogovora z otrokom ter razvoj otrokove risbe. V raziskavi pa sem se osredotočila na to, kako otroci dojemajo svoj življenjski svet. Raziskava, ki sem jo izvedla, je kvalitativna. V njej sem se oprla na likovno ustvarjalne tehnike (risba), za spraševanje sem uporabila delno strukturiran intervju. Z otroki sem se pogovarjala o tem, kaj so narisali in kaj narisano njim predstavlja. Za metodo spoznavanja življenjskega sveta otrok sem uporabila risanje družine in pogovor. Zanimalo me je predvsem, koga otrok dojema za bližnje osebe, kako se dojemanje otrokovega življenjskega sveta razlikuje glede na otrokovo starost oziroma razvojno obdobje, kako otrok opredeli samega sebe v različnih razvojnih obdobjih, kaj si interpretira kot zanj pomembne dogodke v življenju in kako nam je lahko pri pogovoru z otrokom v pomoč risba. Populacija v moji raziskavi so otroci, stari od 3 do 9 let. Moj vzorec sestavlja deset otrok, od tega pet predšolskih in pet šolskih. Ugotovila sem, da otroci za svoje družinske člane dojemajo tiste ljudi, ki z njimi živijo. Otroci lažje naštejejo stvari, ki jim grejo, dobro kot pa tiste, ki jim grejo slabo. Najbolj varno se otroci počutijo doma ali s starši. Pomembni dogodki zanje se najpogosteje vežejo na odnose z drugimi ali na osebne dosežke. Oseba, s katero otrok preživi največ časa, je v večini primerov mama. Za svoje sorodnike otroci naštevajo babice, dedke, strice, tete, bratrance, sestrične in botre. Večina otrok pozna svoje sosede in se z njimi občasno druži. Otroci v večini primerov radi obiskujejo vrtec ali šolo. Več kot polovica otrok obiskuje popoldanske krožke. Število prijateljev, ki jih otroci imajo, je najpogosteje med štiri in šest. Otroci prijateljstvo povezujejo s skupno igro, druženjem in prijaznostjo. Ob risanju se otroci sprostijo, kar pripomore k lažji komunikaciji z njimi.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:otrok, življenjski svet, pogovor z otrokom, likovno ustvarjalne tehnike
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160490 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:29.08.2024
Število ogledov:133
Število prenosov:35
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:A child's perception of her own life world: talking with the child through artistic creative techniques
In this master thesis I present a child's perception of his own life world and a conversation with the child using art-making techniques. In the theoretical part I presented the definitions of childhood and the view of childhood over time, the child's life world, the characteristics of the conversation with the child and the development of the child's drawing. In the research, I focused on how children perceive their lifeworld. The research I have carried out is qualitative. I used art-making techniques (drawing) and semi-structured interviews for the questioning. I talked to the children about what they had drawn and what the drawing represented to them. I used family drawing and conversation as a method of learning about the children's life world. I was particularly interested in who the child perceives as close to him, how the child's perception of his lifeworld differs according to the child's age or developmental stage, how the child defines himself at different developmental stages, what the child interprets as important events in his life, and how drawing can help us in our discussion with the child. The population in my study is children aged 3 to 9 years. My sample consists of ten children, five preschool children and five school children. I have discovered that children perceive their family members to be the people who live with them. Children find it easier to list the things they can do than the things they cannot do. Children feel safest at home or with their parents. Important events for children are most often linked to relationships with others or to personal achievements. The person with whom a child spends the most time is, in most cases, his mother. Children name grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, cousins and godparents as their relatives. Most children know their neighbours and occasionally socialise with them. In most cases, children like to go to kindergarten or school. More than half of the children attend after-school activities. The number of friends children have is most often between four and six. Children associate friendship with playing together, socialising and being kind. Drawing relaxes the children, which helps them to communicate more easily.

Ključne besede:child, lifeworld, talking to the child, creative art techniques

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