
Odnos šestošolcev do trajnostne kakovosti življenja : magistrsko delo
ID Drnovšek, Nika (Author), ID Lovšin Kozina, Francka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Koncept trajnostne kakovosti življenja združuje kakovostno življenje v sedanjosti in kakovostno življenje v prihodnosti, umeščeno v neokrnjeno okolje z varčno porabo virov (Wiesli in Hammer, 2019). Vključuje devet ključnih vidikov: zdravje in varnost, prosti čas in počitek, narava in pokrajina, prihodek in delo, mobilnost, identifikacija in pripadnost, enakopravnost in socialni odnosi, izobraževanje in znanje ter bivanje. Razumevanje odnosa šestošolcev do trajnostne kakovosti življenja je pomembno za načrtovanje vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela ter za spodbujanje trajnostnega vedenja v okviru osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. Predmet gospodinjstvo ima pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju trajnostnih navad in vrednot, saj vključuje širok spekter vsebin, kot so zdrava prehrana, finančna pismenost, trajnostna poraba in okoljska ozaveščenost (IFHE, 2019). Kljub temu je predmet gospodinjstvo pogosto podcenjen zaradi stereotipov, ki ga predstavljajo predvsem kot učenje kuhanja in šivanja (Dewhurst in Pendergast, 2008). Cilj magistrskega dela je bil raziskati odnos šestošolcev do trajnostne kakovosti življenja ter preučiti vlogo predmeta gospodinjstvo pri oblikovanju tega odnosa. Raziskava je vključevala analizo učnega načrta predmeta gospodinjstvo in anketiranje 120 šestošolcev iz urbanih in ruralnih okolij. Rezultati so pokazali, da se v učnem načrtu predmeta gospodinjstvo pojavljajo vsebine, ki so opredeljene v vidikih koncepta trajnostne kakovosti življenja. Učenci dajejo velik pomen predmetu gospodinjstvo za trajnostno kakovost življenja, še posebej v kontekstu bivanja, zdravja in varnosti ter narave in pokrajine. Statistična analiza je pokazala, da med učenci iz ruralnih in urbanih okolij ni statistično pomembnih razlik v stališčih glede pomembnosti večine vidikov trajnostne kakovosti življenja, z izjemo vidika "prihodek in delo", ki so ga učenci iz ruralnih okolij ocenili kot pomembnejšega. Učenci visoko cenijo pomembnost vsebin predmeta gospodinjstvo po posameznih vidikih trajnostne kakovosti življenja, še posebej vsebine z vidika narave in pokrajine, enakopravnosti in socialnih odnosov, zdravja in varnosti, identifikacije in pripadnosti ter prostega časa in rekreacije. Raziskava poudarja pomen vključevanja trajnostnih vsebin v izobraževanje ter prepoznava pomembno vlogo predmeta gospodinjstvo pri spodbujanju trajnostnih vrednot in vedenj, kar celokupno prispeva k trajnostni kakovosti življenja.

Keywords:geografske razlike, gospodinjsko izobraževanje, šestošolci, trajnostna kakovost življenja, učni načrt
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Drnovšek
Number of pages:68 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160483 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206262787 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes of sixth-grade students towards a sustainable quality of life
The concept of sustainable quality of life combines current quality of life with future quality of life, set in an unspoiled environment with the efficient use of resources (Wiesli & Hammer, 2019). It includes nine key aspects: health and safety, leisure and recreation, nature and landscape, income and work, mobility, identification and belonging, equality and social relations, education and knowledge, and living conditions. Understanding the attitudes of sixth graders towards sustainable quality of life is important for planning educational work and for promoting sustainable behavior within the framework of primary school education. The subject of Home Economics plays a significant role in shaping sustainable habits and values, as it encompasses a wide range of topics such as healthy eating, financial literacy, sustainable consumption, and environmental awareness (IFHE, 2019). Nevertheless, Home Economics is often undervalued due to stereotypes that mainly portray it as cooking and sewing (Dewhurst & Pendergast, 2008). The aim of this master's thesis was to investigate the attitudes of sixth graders towards sustainable quality of life and to examine the role of the Home Economics subject in shaping this attitude. The research included an analysis of the Home Economics curriculum and a survey of 120 sixth graders from urban and rural areas. The results showed that the Home Economics curriculum includes numerous topics defined in the aspects of the concept of sustainable quality of life. Students place great importance on the subject of home economics for sustainable quality of life., especially in the context of living, health and safety, and nature and landscape. Statistical analysis has shown that there are no statistically significant differences between students from rural and urban areas in their attitudes regarding the importance of most aspects of sustainable quality of life, with the exception of the aspect "income and work," which students from rural areas rated as more important. Students highly value the importance of the content of the subject home economics in various aspects of sustainable quality of life, especially the content from the perspective of nature and landscape, equality and social relationships, health and safety, belonging and identification, and leisure and recreation. The research emphasizes the importance of incorporating sustainability content into education and recognizes the key role of the home economics subject in promoting sustainable values and behaviors, which collectively contribute to sustainable quality of life.

Keywords:geographical differences, home economics education, sixth graders, sustainable quality of life, curriculum

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