
Proučevanje elektroporacije rastlinskih tkiv s pomočjo indikatorja trifenil tetrazolijev klorid (TTC)
ID Primožič, Urša (Author), ID Mahnič-Kalamiza, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ireverzibilna elektroporacija je proces, kjer z vzpostavitvijo dovolj intenzivnega pulzirajočega električnega polja povzročimo celično smrt. Ireverzibilno elektroporacijo se v kliničnem okolju uporablja za ablacijo (odstranitev) tkiva. Za določanje področja ablacije se uporablja različne metode, ena izmed njih je tudi obarvanje z redoks indikatorjem 2,3,5-trifenil tetrazolijev klorid (TTC). V naši raziskavi smo preverili vplive različnih elektroporacijskih protokolov na velikost področja ireverzibilne elektroporacije in na obarvanje različnih tkiv v področju pod pragom ireverzibilne elektroporacije. Poskuse smo izvedli na rezinah krompirja, črne redkve, bučke in melone. Na vsakem tkivu smo izvedli poskuse pri napetostih 500 V, 1000 V in 1500 V. Poleg tega smo pri vsaki napetosti izvedli poskuse z 8 unipolarnimi pravokotnimi pulzi, enim eksponentno padajočim pulzom in kombinacijo obeh, torej 8 unipolarnih pravokotnih pulzov, katerim je sledil en eksponentno padajoč pulz. Rezine tkiva smo po elektroporaciji potopili v raztopino TTC in po obarvanju analizirali z računalniško analizo posnetkov. Ugotovili smo, da kombinacija 8 unipolarnih pulzov in enega eksponentno padajočega v večini primerov ne povzroči večjega področja ablacije, kot samostojen eksponentno padajoči pulz pri enaki napetosti. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se pri obarvanju tkiva s TTC v nekaterih primerih pojavi temneje obarvano področje okoli področja ablacije. Na podlagi opravljenih raziskav razloga za nastanek temnejšega (intenzivneje obarvanega) področja ne moremo dokončno in nedvoumno pripisati kateremu od spremljajočih pojavov, kot je izguba turgorskega tlaka ali metabolnim procesom.

Keywords:elektroporacija, TTC, ablacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160475 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211243523 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Title:Studying plant tissue electroporation using the indicator triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC)
Irreversible electroporation is a process, where tissue is exposed to sufficiently intensive pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment with the aim to cause cell death. Irreversible electroporation is used in medicine for ablation (removal) of tissue. The area of tissue ablation is determined by many methods, one of them being staining with 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC). In our research we investigated the influence of different electroporation protocols on the size of the ablation area and how different electroporation protocols and other factors influence the staining of tissue with TTC in areas under the irreversible electroporation threshold. The experiments were conducted on slices of potato, black radish, zucchini, and melon. For each tissue there were 9 different protocols. We used 3 different voltages – 500 V, 1000 V, and 1500 V. For each of the voltages, we used 3 different pulse shapes: 8 monopolar rectangular pulses, 1 exponentially decreasing pulse, and a combination of the two, i.e. 8 monopolar rectangular pulses followed by 1 exponentially decreasing pulse. The tissue slices were submerged in TTC solution after electroporation. The staining was analysed by computer analysis. We discovered that the combination of 8 monopolar rectangular pulses and 1 exponential decreasing pulse did not cause a larger area of ablation than 1 exponential decreasing pulse at the same voltage in most cases. We also discovered that in some cases the TTC staining is not evenly distributed across the tissue but gets darker (more intense) in the immediate vicinity of the ablated area. We are unable to definitively identify, based on the experiments conducted, whether this intensely coloured area is due to effect of turgor pressure loss or cell metabolism.

Keywords:Electroporation, TTC, Ablation

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