
Analiza uporabe elektromotorjev na letalu Cessna 152 pri taksiranju
ID Demšar, Noel (Author), ID Petrović, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Grebenšek, Andrej (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi je analizirana možnost namestitve elektromotorja za taksiranje na letalu Cessna 152 z namenom zmanjšanja hrupa, emisij in povečanja varnosti na letališču. Analizirali smo specifikacije letala ter izvedli izračune za potrebno moč, navor in hitrost elektromotorjev. Na podlagi teh izračunanih specifikacij bomo izbrali ustrezne elektromotorje. Določili smo potrebne sile za premikanje letala v različnih pogojih, vključno s taksiranjem na travnati ali asfaltni površini ter taksiranjem v klanec. Preverili smo različne možnosti namestitve elektromotorjev na sprednje kolo ali na zadnji dve kolesi in spremembe, katere je potrebno narediti za namestitev motorjev in vseh ostalih komponent. Na primeru izbranega letališča smo prikazali spremembo pojemka, hitrosti in poti v odvisnosti od časa pri regenerativnem zaviranju. Pozornost smo namenili varnostnim in tehničnim vidikom namestitve. Izračunali smo vpliv vseh dodatnih komponent na maso in težišče letala. Zaključili smo z izboljšavami sistema in priporočili za varno in učinkovito uporabo elektromotorja za taksiranje na letalu Cessna 152.

Keywords:elektromotor, regenerativno zaviranje, elektrifikacija taksiranja, električni sklop, potrebna moč, masa in težišče
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160465 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the use of electric motors on a Cessna 152 aircraft during taxiing
The thesis analyzes the feasibility of installing an electric motor for taxiing on the Cessna 152 aircraft, with the aim of reducing noise, emissions, and increasing safety at the airport. We analyzed the specifications of the aircraft and calculated the required power, torque, and speed of the electric motors. Based on these calculated specifications, we will select appropriate electric motors. We determined the necessary forces for moving the aircraft under various conditions, including taxiing on grass or asphalt surfaces and taxiing uphill. We examined different installation options for the electric motors, either on the nose wheel or the rear wheels, and the modifications needed to install the motors and all other components. Using a selected airport as an example, we demonstrated the change in deceleration, speed, and distance as a function of time during regenerative braking. Attention was given to the safety and technical aspects of the installation. We calculated the impact of all additional components on the mass and center of gravity of the aircraft. We concluded with system improvements and recommendations for the safe and efficient use of the electric motor for taxiing on the Cessna 152 aircraft.

Keywords:electric motor, regenerative braking, electrification of taxiing, electrical assembly, required power, mass and center of gravity

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