
Na razumevanju travme utemeljen nujni odvzem otroka
ID Kuzman, Nika (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šeme, Mojca (Comentor)

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MD5: 56A20D87D47606B48584CC6E33F4C039

Družinsko okolje je kompleksno, v njem lahko zaradi različnih razlogov prihaja do ogroženosti otrok in mladostnikov. Z naraščanjem zavedanja o ogroženosti otroka v družini je država vzpostavila sistem zaščite otrok, ki temelji na preprečevanju ogroženosti otroka ter skrbi za njegovo korist. Temu sledijo ukrepi, ki jih lahko nosilci javnih pooblastil izvedejo v primeru, da izvedo za okoliščine, ki ogrožajo otrokovo dobrobit. Skrajni ukrep, ki močno poseže v družino, je nujni odvzem otroka. To je edini ukrep, ki ga lahko izvede center za socialno delo, ko gre za tako hudo ogroženost, ko strokovne delavke ocenijo, da drugače otroka ne bi mogli zavarovati. Otroci, ki so umaknjeni s svojega primarnega okolja, so bili v njem izpostavljeni številnim travmatičnim dogodkom. Nujni odvzem lahko za otroka predstavlja dodaten stresni dogodek v njegovem življenju, še posebej, če ta ni izveden premišljeno. Zato je zelo pomembno, da se strokovne delavke, ki izvajajo nujne odvzeme, zavedajo pomembnosti skrbne in na razumevanju travme utemeljene izvedbe in kasneje tudi nadaljnjega sodelovanja z družino. Da lahko strokovne delavke ravnajo po pristopu, utemeljenem na razumevanju travme, morajo biti opremljena z ustreznimi strokovnimi znanji. V teoretičnem delu opredelim pojem nujnega odvzema in razloge za njegovo izvedbo, travmo in njene oblike, vlogo in prakso centra za socialno delo pri nujnih odvzemih, razvojne posebnosti pri nujnih odvzemih, pristop, utemeljen na razumevanju travme, ter naredim pregled travme, povzročene v sistemu zaščite otrok pred, med in po odvzemu otroka. Po pregledu literature sem v svojem diplomskem delu opravila intervjuje s šestimi strokovnimi delavkami na centrih za socialno delo, ki delajo na področju zaščite otrok po Sloveniji, in ugotavljala, kako menijo, da je sistem zaščite utemeljen na razumevanju travme, na katera strokovna znanja se same opirajo pri izvedbi nujnega odvzema in po njem, s kakšnimi ovirami se soočajo v kontekstu nujnega odvzema, koliko so same osveščene o pristopu, utemeljenem na razumevanju travme, in na kakšne načine skrbijo, da v sistemu zaščite ne bi prišlo do retravmatizacije.

Keywords:nujni odvzem, pristop utemeljen na razumevanju travme, sistem zaščite otrok, namestitev otrok v institucije, medinstitucionalno sodelovanje, razvojne značilnosti otrok
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160429 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Trauma-informed emergency child removal
The family environment is complex, and children and adolescents can be at risk for a variety of reasons. With the growing awareness of child vulnerability in the family, the State has put in place a child protection system based on preventing child vulnerability and ensuring the child's well-being. This is followed by the measures that public authorities can take if they become aware of circumstances endangering the child's well-being. The last resort, which intervenes heavily in the family, is the emergency removal of the child. This is the only measure that can be taken by a social work centre when there is such a serious risk, when professionals assess that they would not otherwise be able to protect the child. Children who are removed from their primary environment have been exposed to many traumatic events in that environment. An emergency removal can be an additional stressful event in a child's life, especially if it is not carried out in a thoughtful manner. It is therefore very important that practitioners carrying out emergency removals are aware of the importance of careful and trauma-informed implementation and subsequent follow-up with the family. In order to follow a trauma-informed approach, practitioners need to be equipped with the relevant expertise. In the theoretical part, I define the concept of emergency removal and the reasons for its implementation, trauma and its forms, the role and practice of the social work centre in emergency removals, the developmental specificities of emergency removals, the approach based on the understanding of trauma, and I give an overview of the trauma caused in the child protection system before, during and after the removal of a child. After a literature review, in my thesis I interviewed six practitioners at social work centres working in the field of child protection across Slovenia to find out how they perceive the protection system to be based on an understanding of trauma, what expertise they themselves rely on when carrying out emergency removals and after emergency removals, what barriers they face in the context of emergency removals, how aware they are of the trauma-informed approach, and what ways they ensure that the protection system does not retraumatise.

Keywords:emergency removal, trauma-informed approach, child protection system, institutionalisation of children, inter-institutional cooperation, child developmental characteristics

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